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Different platforms and different results




  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hello Arash,

    It is possible that your model is on the verge of (in)feasibility. This is often caused by shaky numerics. I would recommend having a look at our Guidelines for Numerical Issues. You should also try experimenting with the NumericFocus parameter and try using a lower FeasibilityTol and IntFeasTol. You could try running the model with different Seed parameter values on the two machines to see whether it behaves differently. You could also share the model. Note that uploading files in the Community Forum is not possible but we discuss an alternative in Posting to the Community Forum.

    The Knowledge Base article Why does Gurobi perform differently on different machines? might also be of interest to you.

    Best regards, 

  • Arash Baharvandi
    First Question

    Thanks for your reply,

    from gurobipy import *
    import numpy as np
    from math import *

    # indices
    myList = list(range(0, 4))
    vctr = np.array(myList)
    I = vctr  # existing generator
    myList = list(range(0, 13))
    vctr = np.array(myList)
    NI = vctr  # new generator
    myList = list(range(0, 3))
    vctr = np.array(myList)
    J = vctr  # load
    myList = list(range(0, 7))
    vctr = np.array(myList)
    EL = vctr  # existing line
    myList = list(range(0, 7))
    vctr = np.array(myList)
    NL = vctr  # new line
    myList = list(range(0, 6))
    vctr = np.array(myList)
    N = vctr  # bus
    myList = list(range(0, 5))
    vctr = np.array(myList)
    T = vctr  # period

    # parameters
    cpe = np.array([10, 5, 5, 10])  # capacity of existing generators
    cpn = np.array([10, 7, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 5, 3, 10, 8, 5, 2])  # capacity of new generators
    ce = np.array([25, 35, 37, 25])  # cost of existing generator
    cn = np.array(
        [22, 30, 35, 40, 40, 40, 55, 35, 40, 22, 29, 33, 55]
    )  # cost of new generator
    ccg = np.array(
        [100e3, 80e3, 60e3, 30e3, 40e3, 45e3, 20e3, 70e3, 35e3, 110e3, 85e3, 50e3, 15e3]
    )  # capital cost for new generators($/kw)
    ccl = np.array(
        [5e3, 8e3, 12e3, 10e3, 7e3, 5e3, 6e3]
    )  # capital cost for new lines($/kw)
    line, X = multidict(
            (0, 1): 0.229,
            (1, 0): 0.229,
            (1, 2): 0.229,
            (2, 1): 0.229,
            (0, 3): 0.229,
            (3, 0): 0.229,
            (1, 3): 0.229,
            (3, 1): 0.229,
            (3, 4): 0.229,
            (4, 3): 0.229,
            (4, 5): 0.229,
            (5, 4): 0.229,
            (2, 5): 0.229,
            (5, 2): 0.229,
    )  # reactance

    LF = np.array([0.5, 0.65, 0.8, 0.9, 1])  # load factor
    weight = np.array([0.4, 0.3, 0.3])  # load weight

    du = np.array([1510, 2800, 2720, 1120, 610])  # duration of each period

    fmaxel = np.array([10, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7])  # maximum flow of existing lines
    fmaxnl = np.array([10, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7])  # maximum flow of new lines
    wind = np.array([0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0])
    PV = np.array([0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0])
    EV = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0])
    f = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0])
    peak = 55

    # map(i,n)
    I1 = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    N1 = [1, 2, 5, 0]
    # map1(el,n,m)
    EL1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    N2 = [0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 2]
    M2 = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5]
    # map2(in,n)
    NI1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
    M3 = [0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5]
    # loc-d(j,n)
    J1 = [0, 1, 2]
    N3 = [2, 3, 4]
    # map3(nl,n,m)
    NL1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    M4 = [0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 2]
    M5 = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5]
    ss = 0
    m = Model()
    # variables
    ge = m.addVars(
        I, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=ss, name="ge"
    )  # output power of existing generators
    gge = m.addVars(
        I, N, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=ss, name="gge"
    )  # output power of existing generators
    gn = m.addVars(
        NI, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=ss, name="gn"
    )  # output power of new generators
    ggn = m.addVars(
        NI, N, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=ss, name="ggn"
    )  # output power of new generators
    cost_inv = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=ss, name="cost_inv")  # investment cost
    cost_gen = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=ss, name="cost_gen")  # generation cost

    theta = m.addVars(N, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="theta")  # angle of voltage

    fel = m.addVars(EL, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="fel")  # powe flow of existing lines
    fnl = m.addVars(NL, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="fnl")  # powe flow of new lines

    fell = m.addVars(
        N, N, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="fell"
    )  # powe flow of existing lines
    fnll = m.addVars(N, N, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="fnll")  # powe flow of new lines

    Pl = m.addVars(J, N, T, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="Pl")  # Demand

    unl = m.addVars(NL, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="unl")  # binary of new lines
    ung = m.addVars(NI, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="ung")  # binary of new generators
    objf = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="objf")  # objective
    # constraints
    c1 = m.addConstr(
        == (
            sum(unl[nl] * ccl[nl] * fmaxnl[nl] for nl in NL)
            + sum(ung[ni] * ccg[ni] * cpn[ni] for ni in NI)
    c2 = m.addConstr(
        == (
            sum(ge[i, t] * ce[i] * du[t] for i in I for t in T)
            + sum(gn[ni, t] * cn[ni] * du[t] for ni in NI for t in T)
    c3 = m.addConstr(objf == cost_inv + cost_gen)
    c4 = m.addConstrs(ge[i, t] <= cpe[i] for i in I for t in T)
    c5 = m.addConstrs(gn[ni, t] <= ung[ni] * cpn[ni] for ni in NI for t in T)
    c7 = m.addConstrs(
        fel[l, t] == (1 / X[i, j]) * (theta[i, t] - theta[j, t]) * 100
        for t in T
        for l, i, j in zip(EL1, N2, M2)
    c9 = m.addConstrs(fel[l, t] == fell[i, j, t] for t in T for l, i, j in zip(EL1, N2, M2))
    c99 = m.addConstrs(
        fell[i, j, t] == 0 for i in N for j in N for t in T if (i, j) not in zip(N2, M2)
    c10 = m.addConstrs(
        fnl[nl, t] == fnll[i, j, t] for t in T for nl, i, j in zip(NL1, M4, M5)
    c100 = m.addConstrs(
        fnll[i, j, t] == 0 for i in N for j in N for t in T if (i, j) not in zip(M4, M5)
    c11 = m.addConstrs(ge[i, t] == gge[i, n, t] for i, n in zip(I1, N1) for t in T)
    c12 = m.addConstrs(
        gge[i, n, t] == 0 for i in I for n in N for t in T if (i, n) not in zip(I1, N1)
    c13 = m.addConstrs(gn[ni, t] == ggn[ni, n, t] for ni, n in zip(NI1, M3) for t in T)
    c14 = m.addConstrs(
        ggn[ni, n, t] == 0 for ni in NI for n in N for t in T if (ni, n) not in zip(NI1, M3)
    c15 = m.addConstrs(
        Pl[j, n, t] == peak * LF[t] * weight[j] for j, n in zip(J1, N3) for t in T
    c16 = m.addConstrs(
        Pl[j, n, t] == 0 for j in J for n in N for t in T if (j, n) not in zip(J1, N3)
    c17 = m.addConstrs(
        gge.sum("*", n, t)
        + ggn.sum("*", n, t)
        - fell.sum(n, "*", t)
        + fell.sum("*", n, t)
        - fnll.sum(n, "*", t)
        + fnll.sum("*", n, t)
        >= (Pl.sum("*", n, t) + EV[n] - PV[n] - wind[n])
        - 0.05 * (Pl.sum("*", n, t) + EV[n] - PV[n] - wind[n])
        + 0.05 * 6 * (Pl.sum("*", n, t) + EV[n] - PV[n] - wind[n])
        for n in N
        for t in T
    c18 = m.addConstrs(fel[l, t] <= fmaxel[l] for l in EL for t in T)
    c19 = m.addConstrs(fel[l, t] >= -fmaxel[l] for l in EL for t in T)
    c20 = m.addConstrs(fnl[nl, t] <= fmaxnl[nl] * unl[nl] for nl in NL for t in T)
    c21 = m.addConstrs(fnl[nl, t] >= -fmaxnl[nl] * unl[nl] for nl in NL for t in T)
    c22 = m.addConstrs(
        fnl[nl, t] * X[i, j] - (theta[i, t] - theta[j, t]) * 100 >= -(1 - unl[nl]) * 1e6
        for t in T
        for nl, i, j in zip(NL1, M4, M5)
    c23 = m.addConstrs(
        fnl[nl, t] * X[i, j] - (theta[i, t] - theta[j, t]) * 100 <= (1 - unl[nl]) * 1e6
        for t in T
        for nl, i, j in zip(NL1, M4, M5)

    m.setObjective(objf, GRB.MINIMIZE)

    # m.params.NonConvex = 2
    # opt.options['NonConvex'] = 2

    # orignumvars = m.NumVars
    # m.feasRelaxS(0, True, False, True)


    # m.optimize()
    # m.computeIIS()
    print("runtime is", m.Runtime)

    This is my model and it should be feasible,  I have checked  FeasibilityTol ,but I do not know how to use it. when I increase parameter ''peak'' in my model, it will be infeasible. I appreciate your help.

  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    First, you should give all your constraints unique names to make it easier to distinguish them. For example

    c15 = m.addConstrs(
        (Pl[j, n, t] == peak * LF[t] * weight[j] for j, n in zip(J1, N3) for t in T),
    name ="c15")

    You can then compute an IIS as described in How do I determine why my model is infeasible?


    You can open the file \(\texttt{iis.ilp}\) in any standard text editor and see which subset of your constraints makes the model infeasible. For \(\texttt{peak=55}\), you can see that constraints \(\texttt{c15}\) fix the values of your \(\texttt{Pl}\) variables to

    c15[0,2,4]: Pl[0,2,4] = 22
    c15[1,3,4]: Pl[1,3,4] = 16.5
    c15[2,4,4]: Pl[2,4,4] = 16.5

    which is somehow responsible for the infeasibility of your model. With the IIS, you can try to find out why your model is infeasible.

    Best regards, 

  • Arash Baharvandi
    First Question



    I have following code , but I do not know when I increase ''peak'' model is infeasible, while it should be feasible. For peak=10, I got optimal solution, but for more than 10, it will be infeasible that is wrong. why Gurobi does not work here, while for peaks more than 10 , I got optimal solution in another platform which is correct. I decreased FeasibilityTol and IntFeasTol, but still infeasible, and checking "iis.ilp" says that c17 constraint has problem, while it does not make sense.

    from gurobipy import *
    import numpy as np

    myList = list(range(0,4))
    I=vctr# generator

    myList = list(range(0,3))
    myList = list(range(0,7))
    EL=vctr# line

    myList = list(range(0,6))
    myList = list(range(0,5))

    cpe=np.array([10,5,5,10])# capacity of generators

    ce=np.array([25,35,37,25])# cost of  generator


    LF=np.array([0.5,0.65,0.8,0.9,1])#load factor
    weight=np.array([0.4,0.3,0.3])#load weight
    du=np.array([1510,2800,2720,1120,610])#duration of each period

    fmaxel=np.array([10,7,7,7,7,7,7])#maximum flow of  lines




    m.setParam('FeasibilityTol', 10e-9)
    m.setParam('IntFeasTol', 10e-9)
    ge=m.addVars(I,T,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,lb=ss,name='ge') #output power of  generators
    gge=m.addVars(I,N,T,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,lb=ss,name='gge') #output power of  generators

    cost_gen=m.addVar(vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,lb=ss,name='cost_gen') #generation cost
    theta=m.addVars(N,T,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,name='theta') #angle of voltage

    fel=m.addVars(EL,T,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,name='fel') #power flow of existing lines

    fell=m.addVars(N,N,T,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,name='fell') #power flow of existing lines
    Pl=m.addVars(J,N,T,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,name='Pl') #Demand

    objf=m.addVar(vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,name='objf') #objective
    c2=m.addConstr(cost_gen==(sum(ge[i,t]*ce[i]*du[t] for i in I for t in T)),name="c2")
    c4=m.addConstrs((ge[i,t]<= cpe[i] for i in I for t in T),name="c4")

    c7=m.addConstrs((fel[l,t]==(1/X[i,j])*(theta[i,t]-theta[j,t])*100 for t in T for l,i,j in zip(EL1,N2,M2)),name="c7" )

    c9=m.addConstrs((fel[l,t]==fell[i,j,t] for t in T for l,i,j in zip(EL1,N2,M2)),name="c9" )
    c99=m.addConstrs((fell[i,j,t]==0 for i in N for j in N  for t in T if  (i,j) not in zip(N2,M2)),name="c99" )
    c11=m.addConstrs((ge[i,t]==gge[i,n,t] for i,n in zip(I1,N1) for t in T),name="c11")
    c12=m.addConstrs((gge[i,n,t]==0 for i in I for n in N for t in T if (i,n) not in zip(I1,N1)),name="c12" )
    c15=m.addConstrs((Pl[j,n,t] ==peak*LF[t]*weight[j]for j,n in zip(J1,N3) for t in T),name="c15")
    c16=m.addConstrs((Pl[j,n,t]==0 for j in J for n in N for t in T if (j,n) not in zip(J1,N3)),name="c16" )
    c17=m.addConstrs(((gge.sum('*',n,t)-fell.sum(n,'*',t)+fell.sum('*',n,t)==(Pl.sum('*',n,t) ))for n in N for t in T),name="c17")
    c18=m.addConstrs((fel[l,t]<=fmaxel[l] for l in EL for t in T),name="c18")
    c19=m.addConstrs((fel[l,t]>=-fmaxel[l] for l in EL for t in T),name="c19")

    m.setObjective(objf, GRB. MINIMIZE)

    #orignumvars = m.NumVars
    #m.feasRelaxS(0, True, False, True)



    print ('runtime is',m.Runtime)
  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    When you look at the IIS generated by Gurobi, you will see that most variables are fixed to 0 or some other value. If you substitute these values and use all constraints to substitute left over variables, you will end up with

     c4[3,4]:  ge[3,4] <= 10
     c17[0,4]: ge[3,4] - 873.3624454148472 theta[0,4] + 436.6812227074236 theta[1,4] + 436.6812227074236 theta[3,4] = 0

     c17[2,4]: ge[1,4] + 436.6812227074236 theta[1,4] - 873.3624454148472 theta[2,4] + 436.6812227074236 theta[5,4] - 6 = 0

     c17[3,4]: 436.6812227074236 theta[0,4] - 1310.043668122271 theta[3,4] + 436.6812227074236 theta[1,4] + 436.6812227074236 theta[4,4] - 4.5 = 0

     c17[4,4]: 436.6812227074236 theta[3,4] - 873.3624454148472 theta[4,4] + 436.6812227074236 theta[5,4] - 4.5 = 0

     c17[5,4]: ge[2,4] + 436.6812227074236 theta[2,4] - 873.3624454148472 theta[5,4] + 436.6812227074236 theta[4,4] = 0

    Now, you have to figure out, why this set of constraints is infeasible. Note that the values 6 and 4.5 come from the fixings

    c15[0,2,4]: Pl[0,2,4] = 6
    c15[1,3,4]: Pl[1,3,4] = 4.5
    c15[2,4,4]: Pl[2,4,4] = 4.5

    You should probably try to substitute the theta variables, i.e., solve the equality constraint for, e.g., theta[0,4], and substitute it in other constraints. Then proceed until you cannot substitute anymore.

  • Arash Baharvandi
    First Question

    Thank you, I figured out the issue. I simplified code and removed all fixed variables.

    from gurobipy import *
    import numpy as np

    myList = list(range(0,4))
    I=vctr# generator

    myList = list(range(0,3))
    myList = list(range(0,7))
    EL=vctr# line

    myList = list(range(0,6))
    myList = list(range(0,5))

    cpe=np.array([10,5,5,10])# capacity of generators
    ce=np.array([25,35,37,25])# cost of  generator
    LF=np.array([0.5,0.65,0.8,0.9,1])#load factor
    weight=np.array([0.4,0.3,0.3])#load weight
    du=np.array([1510,2800,2720,1120,610])#duration of each period
    fmaxel=np.array([10,7,7,7,7,7,7])#maximum flow of  lines




    ge=m.addVars(I,T,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,lb=ss,name='ge') #output power of  generators
    cost_gen=m.addVar(vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,lb=ss,name='cost_gen') #generation cost
    theta=m.addVars(N,T,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,name='theta') #angle of voltage
    fel=m.addVars(EL,T,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,name='fel') #power flow of existing lines
    objf=m.addVar(vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,name='objf') #objective

    c1=m.addConstr(cost_gen==(sum(ge[i,t]*ce[i]*du[t] for i in I for t in T)),name="c1")
    c3=m.addConstrs((ge[i,t]<= cpe[i] for i in I for t in T),name="c3")
    c4=m.addConstrs((fel[l,t]==(1/X[n,m])*(theta[n,t]-theta[m,t])*100 for t in T for (l,n,m) in zip(EL1,N2,M2)),name="c4" )
    c5=m.addConstrs((sum(ge[i,t] for i in I if (i,n) in zip(I1,N1))-sum(fel[l,t] for l in EL if (l,n) in zip(EL1,N2))+sum(fel[l,t] for l in EL if (l,n) in zip(EL1,M2))==(sum(weight[j]*peak*LF[t] for j in J if (j,n) in zip(J1,N3)))for n in N for t in T),name="c5")
    c6=m.addConstrs((fel[l,t]<=fmaxel[l] for l in EL for t in T),name="c6")
    c7=m.addConstrs((fel[l,t]>=-fmaxel[l] for l in EL for t in T),name="c7")

    m.setObjective(objf, GRB. MINIMIZE)

    Issue is related to 'c4' and 'c5'. I want to define that :

    c4=m.addConstrs((fel[l,t]==(1/X[n,m])*(theta[n,t]-theta[m,t])*100 for t in T for (l,n,m) in zip(EL1,N2,M2)),name="c4" )---> from n to m

    also it ca be:

    c55=m.addConstrs((fel[l,t]==(1/X[m,n])*(theta[m,t]-theta[n,t])*100 for t in T for (l,m,n) in zip(EL1,M2,N2)),name="c55" )--->from m to n

    and based on 'c6' and 'c7', fel[l,t] can be positive or negative. In 'c5', i am going to define for each n and t:

    summation of ge[i,t] for all i related to n (zip(I1,N1))+summation of fel[l,t] for all l related to n(zip(EL1,N2) or zip(EL1,M2) n and m define same thing )(if l from n to m, take fel[l,t] negative. if l from m to n, take fel[l,t] positive) ==summation (peak*LF[t]*weight[j] for all j related to n(zip(J1,N3))

    How can i define these constraints?

    Based on my constraints for 'c4' and 'c5', I only get fel[l,t]>=0 in my results, while it can be negative too, but it considers only ''from n to m'' for fel[l,t], so we do not have ''from m to n'' for fel[l,t] and that is why it will be infeasible.

  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Arash,

    Good job on identifying the source of infeasibility.

    I think that your constraints are correct. You state that \(\texttt{fel}\) can and should possibly take negative values. Please note that the default lower bound for variables in Gurobi is \(0\). Thus, to allow for negative \(\texttt{fel}\) values, you have to explicitly state so when creating the variables.

    fel=m.addVars(EL,T,lb=-GRB.INFINITY,vtype=GRB. CONTINUOUS,name='fel') #power flow of existing lines

    The above change makes your model feasible.

    Best regards, 

  • Arash Baharvandi
    First Question

    Thanks a lot for your help.


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