Does Column::addTerm() assumes constraints in normal/standard form?
AnsweredI am solving a linear programme with column generation (sung the C++ API and Gurobi 10.0). My programme has a polynomial number of variables \(x_i, \; i \in I\) and an exponential number of variables \(y_j, \; j \in J\). I do column generation on variables \(y\) and I initially have none of them.
To build the model, I first create variables \(x\) and then all constraints. Because I do not yet have variables \(y\), I put a 0 where they shall later appear. For example, if I have a constraint \(\sum_i x_i \leq \sum_j y_j\), I add it with
GRBLinExpr lhs;
for(auto i : I) { lhs += x[i]; }
GRBConstr c = model.addConstr(lhs, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0);
I now want to add a variable \(y_0\). To this end, I should first create a \(\texttt{Column}\) object and call \(\texttt{addTerm}\) to set the coefficient of my new variable \(y_0\) in constraint \(\texttt{c}\). However, I cannot find in the documentation (of neither \(\texttt{addTerm}\), \(\texttt{addTerms}\), nor \(\texttt{addVar}\)) any hint on where this coefficient will go. I assume that it will go to the LHS and that the sign of the constraint is the same sign as when I created it. Is it so?
In this case, if my constraint should now look like \(\sum_i x_i \leq y_0\) I shall use a coefficient of -1 in \(\texttt{addTerm}\). Is this correct?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Alberto,
You are correct. You can verify this by adding the following code
for (int i = 0; i < model.getCol(x).size(); i++) {
cout << "Coeff term:" << i << ": " << model.getCol(x).getCoeff(i) << endl;
}to our simple mip1 c++ example, and playing with it to see that the coefficients of the terms in the Column object are invariant to the constraint sense or whether x is added to the LHS or RHS.
- Riley
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