Facility Location Problem - Standard BIP vs QUBO
Awaiting user inputHello,
I'm fairly new to the optimization world, and working on a research project that involves comparison of solving times for the standard uncapacitated facility location problem, using the following techniques:
1) As a standard BIP:
TotalFixedCost = gp.quicksum(fixedcost[i]*FacilitySelect[i] for i in facilities)
TotalServiceCost = gp.quicksum(servicecost[i,j]*ServiceSelect[i,j] for i in facilities for j in customers)
TotalCost = TotalFixedCost + TotalServiceCost
m.setObjective(TotalCost , GRB.MINIMIZE)
2) As a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model with a penalty function:
TotalFixedCost = gp.quicksum(fixedcost[i]*FacilitySelect[i] for i in facilities)
TotalServiceCost = gp.quicksum(servicecost[i,j]*ServiceSelect[i,j] for i in facilities for j in customers)
Cost = TotalFixedCost + TotalServiceCost
Penalty1 = p*(gp.quicksum((1-gp.quicksum(ServiceSelect[i,j] for i in facilities))*(1-gp.quicksum(ServiceSelect[i,j] for i in facilities)) for j in customers))
Penalty2 = p*(gp.quicksum(ServiceSelect[i,j] - ServiceSelect[i,j]*FacilitySelect[i] for i in facilities for j in customers))
TotalCost = Cost + Penalty1 + Penalty2
m.setObjective(TotalCost , GRB.MINIMIZE)
3) As a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model, solving the xTQx objective, (with the Q matrix given as input):
x = m.addVars(Q.shape[0], vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY)
objective = gp.quicksum(x[i] * x[j] * Q[i, j] for i in range(Q.shape[0]) for j in range(Q.shape[0]))
m.setObjective(objective, gp.GRB.MINIMIZE)
Using the standard BIP formulation, Gurobi is able to solve my sample problem sets instantly with 0 gap. However, the 2 QUBO methods take very long times for the same sets, and have large gaps (especially the penalty function method - in the 1000s).
Is it normal to have large optimality gaps while using the QUBO solver? Do i need to tweak any setting to tune the solver?
Hi Abishek,
In your BIP formulation, you don't have any constraints. There is only a linear objective function, thus the model is easy to solve.
In your QUBO with penalty function, you introduce 2 constraints via penalties. The constraints are enforced because the penalty is bigger if they are not fulfilled.
The first constraint is in \(\texttt{Penalty1}\) and reads
\sum_{i} \text{ServiceSelect}_{i,j} = 1 \quad \forall j
\end{align*}\]and the constraint hidden in \(\texttt{Penalty2}\) reads
\sum_{i,j} (\text{ServiceSelect}_{i,j} - \text{ServiceSelect}_{i,j} *\text{FacilitySelect}_{i,j} = 0
\end{align*}\]I don't know about the second QUBO formulation as no details about \(Q\) are given but I assume that something similar is happening.
Best regards,
Jaromił0 -
Thank you Jaromil. I do have constraints in the BIP model, i have just shown the objective function above. The constraints used are:
for i in facilities:
for j in customers:
m.addConstr(ServiceSelect[i,j] <= FacilitySelect[i], 'Constraint1')
for j in customers:
m.addConstr(gp.quicksum((ServiceSelect[i,j]) for i in facilities) == 1 , 'Constraint2')For the second QUBO formulation, I am manually generating the Q matrix using logically assumed penalties based on research. Once the Q matrix is generated, i do the following:
Q = np.array(Q)
x = m.addVars(Q.shape[0], vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY)
objective = gp.quicksum(x[i] * x[j] * Q[i, j] for i in range(Q.shape[0]) for j in range(Q.shape[0]))
m.setObjective(objective, gp.GRB.MINIMIZE)What I am trying to understand is, are there any specific tuning/tweaking parameters that I need to invoke to solve QUBO models in Gurobi?
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In your BIP formulation, you have the constraints
for i in facilities:
for j in customers:
m.addConstr(ServiceSelect[i,j] <= FacilitySelect[i], 'Constraint1')I don't see how these constraints translate into the penalty term
Penalty2 = p*(gp.quicksum(ServiceSelect[i,j] - ServiceSelect[i,j]*FacilitySelect[i] for i in facilities for j in customers))
Where does the bilinear term ServiceSelect[i,j]*FacilitySelect[i] come from?
Could you share the logs for the 3 runs?
What I am trying to understand is, are there any specific tuning/tweaking parameters that I need to invoke to solve QUBO models in Gurobi?
You should definitely use the latest Gurobi version if you are solving QUBOs. You could try experimenting with the PreQLinearize parameter.
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