Solve an optimization problem in Java
Awaiting user inputParameters
Cv : capacity of vehicle type v
dij : traveling distance from node i to j
tij : travel time between node i to j
qid : demand at customer i on day d
sid : service time of customer i on day d
said : arrival time at customer i on day d
ui : extra variable gets a value for each node
Decision Variables
rid : {1, if customer i require service on day d, 0 otherwise}
yivd : {1, if customer i is visited by vehicle type v on day d, 0 otherwise}
xijvd : { 1, if vehicle type v travel from i to j on day d, 0 otherwise}
Min d=1Dv=1Vi=1Nj=1Ndijxijvd
subject to
- y0vd=1 ∀v,d
- s0da=0 ∀d
- v=1Vyivd=rid ∀d, i∈N
- i=1NqidyivdCv ∀v,d
- ui-ujCv1-xijvd-qjd ∀i,j ∈N \{0} i≠j
- qiduiCv ∀i ∈N \{0}
- 0≤sida+ridsid+ti0≤Trid ∀i≥1, i∈N
- xijvd, yivd, rid, ∈0,1, sida≥0 ∀i,j,v,d
What have you tried so far? Where are you stuck?
Matthias0 -
I could not write the Gurobi code for Java to this model I will sent the picture as soon as possible
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