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Documentation on Markowitz Tolerance, Algorithm, and Citation




  • Maliheh Aramon
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Mitchal, 

    Thank you for the question. Since you have a commercial license with us, I will transfer this into a ticket in our Help Center to better help you with the question.

    Best regards,


  • Robert Fourer

    The paper by Markowitz was published as

    Harry M. Markowitz, The Elimination Form of the Inverse and Its Application to Linear Programming. Management Science 3 (1957) 255-269.

    The situation in which a tolerance would be needed is described by the author in this passage:

    Later the paper proposes a heuristic for dynamically choosing the "agenda" and cites an implementation. There must have been a tolerance used in that implementation, but its role is not mentioned.

    Much later, Markowitz's ideas were incorporated into the Harwell sparse matrix package MA28, described in

    I.S. Duff and J.K. Reid, Some Design Features of a Sparse Matrix Code. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 5 (1979) 18-35.

    Here the tolerance appears explicitly as the parameter u in the authors' description:

    MA28 was incorporated into some implementations of the simplex method, and the presence of a "Markowitz tolerance" option suggests that Gurobi is using the same ideas.


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