Is there a better solution than IntegralityFocus to ensure integrality of variables?
Awaiting user inputI have an MIP model with the following parameter settings:
mdl.Params.IntegralityFocus = 1
mdl.Params.FeasibilityTol = 1e-9
The model sometimes generates variables that are not even close to integer values. For example:
k: v.X for k, v in t.items() if v.X > 0}
{(0, 1): 114.0, (0, 4): 23.558825610628386, (0, 5): 45.0, (0, 6): 111.0, (0, 7): 64.52817997001554, (0, 8): 89.45054879258372, (0, 10): 14.0, (0, 11): 29.558825610628386, (0, 12): 24.0, (0, 13): 12.000000000000016, (0, 14): 7.0, (0, 15): 76.74705379564192, (0, 16): 117.0, (0, 17): 9.000000000000016, (0, 18): 61.0, (0, 19): 18.0, (0, 21): 52.52817997001554, (0, 22): 64.5158780897043, (0, 24): 85.0, (0, 26): 71.0, (0, 27): 99.0, (0, 28): 83.45054879258372, (0, 30): 78.0, (0, 31): 35.0, (0, 32): 20.514940870192838, (0, 33): 28.0, (0, 34): 58.52817997001554, (0, 37): 84.0, (0, 38): 107.0, (0, 39): 3.000000000000016, (0, 40): 26.558825610628386, (0, 41): 6.000000000000015, (0, 43): 52.0, (0, 44): 95.45054879258372, (0, 45): 92.0, (0, 46): 12.0, (0, 48): 15.000000000000016, (0, 49): 30.0, (0, 50): 38.0, (0, 51): 68.0, (0, 52): 32.55882561062839, (0, 53): 58.0, (0, 54): 6.0, (0, 55): 35.558825610628446, (0, 56): 90.0, (0, 58): 55.0, (0, 59): 21.0}
However, the integrality of variables is important in my application and rounding them after the solution process might not be sufficient. What would be your suggestion?
How exactly do you define your \(\texttt{t}\) variables? It looks like at least some of them are not defined as integer variables:
(0, 4): 23.558825610628386
(0, 7): 64.52817997001554
(0, 8): 89.45054879258372
(0, 11): 29.558825610628386
(0, 15): 76.74705379564192
(0, 21): 52.52817997001554
(0, 22): 64.5158780897043
(0, 28): 83.45054879258372
(0, 32): 20.514940870192838
(0, 34): 58.52817997001554
(0, 40): 26.558825610628386
(0, 44): 95.45054879258372
(0, 52): 32.55882561062839
(0, 55): 35.558825610628446You can define integer variables by adding the keyword argument \(\texttt{vtype=GRB.INTEGER}\) to your call to Model.addVars() or Model.addVar().
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