FeasibilityTol for GRBCallback.useSolution()
Awaiting user inputHi all,
I'm calling GRBCallback.useSolution() in a callback function at GRB.Callback.MIPNODE. My question is what is the FeasibilityTol for GRBCallback.useSolution()? Are we able to adjust this FeasibilityTol? I may experience some rounding errors for the solutions I provided using GRBCallback.setSolution(). GRBCallback.useSolution() returns "1e+100 " although the solution I set should be feasible.
You mentioned that your solution should be feasible. As stated at e.g. https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/10.0/refman/java_cb_usesolution.html, the value "1e+100" may be returned when the solution is feasible, but it doesn't have a better objective value than the current incumbent:
It equals GRB.INFINITY if no _improved_ solution is found or...
Did you consider this possibility?
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