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Quadratic programming (polynomial objective and linear constraints) worst-case time complexity



1 comment

  • Robert Luce
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Gurobi's barrier algorithms all follow the general predictor-corrector scheme, and any complexity bound on the number of Newton steps from an delta neighborhood of the central path to an epsilon neighborhood of the analytic center of the optimal face applies.  For example, in the LP case the classical bounds in [1, Chap. 3,5&6] apply.  For QP and other conic problems, all worst case bounds I know off the top of my head target instead short-step methods, yielding variations of the complexity bound you mention above, e.g., [2, Chap.6].  So strictly speaking these don't apply to our framework.  The parallelism of our methods does not have any influence on these theoretic Newton complexity bounds.

    The second aspect of complexity in this context is the per-step computational complexity bound.  Without further assumptions on the data no better bound than O(n^3 + m*n^2) can be given.  Parallelism directly affects this bound:  Under the (unrealistic) assumption of perfect parallel speedup the complexity could be phrased as O((n^3 + m*n^2)/p) for p independent processors.  In practice, however, the achievable parallelism is less and behaves nonlinear in p (Amdahl's law).

    Overall it is very important to understand that such theoretical complexity bounds may not reflect the actual behaviour of an *implementation* of an algorithm:  Newton systems may not be solvable to sufficient accuracy to follow the analysis, constraints may be effectively linearily dependent, the interior may effectively empty, etc.  And the worst-case per-iteration complexity is often far off the reality, because it cannot take into account the sparsity of A.  So while the art of designing complexity bounds is a sophisticated and interesting research topic, a direct transfer to real-world behavior is most likely misleading.

    [1] S. J. Wright, Primal-dual interior-point methods. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM

    [2] A. Ben-Tal and A. Nemirovski, Lectures on modern convex optimization. Analysis, algorithms, and engineering applications. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM


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