Academic Licence limitation
i implemented a model with about 20 variables. When i run the model, my Python Console tells me, that my model is too large for my size-limited licence.
But i use the Academic licence wich includes Models with up to 2000 variables, therfore i don't understand the issue. (I use Anaconda Spyder on iOS).
Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance & kind regards
Official comment
Hi Carl,
Do you already have an academic license?
- If so, then Gurobi is not finding your license file (gurobi.lic) for your full license. Instead, it is finding the size-limited license. To resolve, please follow the recommendations in How do I resolve an "Model too large for size-limited Gurobi license" error?
- If not, please apply for a no cost, academic license at Academic Program and Licenses
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