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Infeasibility question




  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Iason,

    Does this mean that I am reaching the limits of Gurobi since it runs for a certain(large) amount of origin-destination pairs?

    No, if a model has a feasible solution then Gurobi should be able to find it at some point in time. This excludes numerically questionable models which or on the edge of (in)feasibility.

    Is it safe to assume that my theoretical model is feasible since it runs for a large number of origin-destination pairs?

    Solving a particular optimization problem does not guarantee that the problem stays feasible for any data input. You would have to think of a more rigorous proof to show that your formulation always yields a feasible point, e.g., by providing a way to always generate a feasible point to your problem from scratch.

    Regarding the infeasibility, did you have a look at How do I determine why my model is infeasible?

    Best regards, 

  • Iason Liagkas
    Thought Leader

    Thanks Jaromił


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