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Hierarchical Multiobjective Pool Solution Runtime




  • Maliheh Aramon
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Brandon, 

    I guess you are interested at knowing the time it takes to find every feasible solution. When solving a multi-objective optimization model, you still can call the MIP-related callbacks. You can use the MIPSOL callback which is invoked upon finding a new incumbent solution and save the current time as the time it takes to find the newly found incumbent solution. 

    Best regards,


  • Brandon Alston
    First Comment
    First Question

    Hi Maliheh,

    I do not think the MIPSOL callback will solve this issue. I'm interested if there is anyway to do something along the lines of "model.params.SolutionNumber = s" for each solution s  and retrieve model.Runtime from there at a where == GRB. Callback. MULTIOBJ during the multiobjective solution process. From my understanding model.params.SolutionNumber allows you to retrieve solution vector for the model but not the runtime associated to reach this solution vector.

  • Maliheh Aramon
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Brandon, 

    Please see the code snippet below for what I exactly meant. Maybe I am misunderstanding your question. Could you please clarify what else you would like to do which the code below does not help with?

    def callback(model, where):
    if where == GRB.Callback.MULTIOBJ:
    model._obj_count = model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.MULTIOBJ_OBJCNT)

    if where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL:
    new_solution = model.cbGetSolution(model._vars)
    # Ensure that this is a new solution not a MIPStart for the next objective
    if new_solution not in model._solutions:
    time = model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.RUNTIME)
    f"Found a new solution at time {time} while optimizing objective #{model._obj_count + 1}"

    # Initialize the current count of the objective started to be optimized
    model._obj_count = 0
    model._vars = model.getVars()
    model._solutions = []
    Best regards,
  • Brandon Alston
    First Comment
    First Question

    Hi Maliheh,

    When I implement your code using both the model._vars or model._specific_decision_variable I cannot retrieve any vectors to confirm the existence of a new solution at GRB.Callback.MIPSOL. I get the following output:

    If I use the below pseudo code after the entire model has been optimized I can retrieve solutions and confirm that indeed the solution vector of "s" is different from "s+1." However model.Runtime is equivalent for each solution when you look at the file where metrics are stored. This is supported by the 'OBJ_1_Val, OBJ_2_Val' columns containing decreasing values but 'Sol-Time' staying constant in the second screenshot.

    for s in range(model.SolCount):
      # Set which solution we will query from now on
        model.params.SolutionNumber = s
    # generate object with solution vector of solution s
    object_s = object_generator([model.getAttr('Xn',model._X).items() for X in set_of_spcific_variables])
    with open(results_file, mode='a') as results:
                [store object_s metrics to .csv file such as model.Runtime of solution s]

    Looking at 'In-Acc, 'Out-Acc, Obj_2_Val' it is quite clear how the 10 solutions generated by the model are indeed unique in their solution vectors but I cannot store any runtime information w.r.t the specific solutions. This is supported by the following screenshot showing solution vectors.


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