What algoritms does gurobi use and is there documentation?
I am writing my master thesis about an discrete multi-commodity capacitated single-source location allocation model (MIP). Hereby I compare my algorithm to gurobi. I would like to write a paragraph about how gurobi solves it's problems and what kind of algorithms is uses. Is there some documentation or a list of algorithms that gurobi uses?
Thank you very much.
Hi Rick,
Gurobi solves mixed-integer programming (MIP) problems using a linear-programming based branch-and-cut algorithm. You can have a look at Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) - A Primer on the Basics for an introductory discussion of the underlying algorithm used in Gurobi.
To cite Gurobi in your thesis, you can follow the instructions at How do I cite Gurobi Software for an academic publication? article.
Best regards,
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