My model is infeasible, i have found the constraint which is causing it but i can\t find out what the reason is.
Currently, I am working on a heterogeneous CVRP MILP. The code i have runs for the homogeneous cases however, in the case of heterogenous vehicles, it does not. The model becomes in feasible, I do however have identified which constraint is the reason this is happening. I hope someone can point out to me what i am doing wrong and what i can do to fix it.
The constraint is:
for i, j in A:
if i != 0 and j != 0:
for k in range(total_vehicles_needed):
mdl.addConstr(u[j, k] - u[i, k] + Q[k] * (1 - x[i, j, k]) >= q[j], name="LoadAfterVisit_{}_{}_{}".format(i, j, k))
mdl.addConstr(u[j, k] - u[i, k] <= Q[k] * (1 - x[i, j, k]) + q[j], name="LoadAfterVisitUB_{}_{}_{}".format(i, j, k))
How it should work is, that it ensures that the accumulated demand of vehicle at client is at least the demand of client plus the accumulated demand of the same vehicle at the previous client
import numpy as np
from gurobipy import Model, GRB, quicksum
import pandas as pd
import os
def define_variables(distance_matrix_dict, num_vehicles, capacity_dict, demand_list, vehicle_types):
n = len(demand_list) # number of clients
N = [i for i in range(1, n)] # set of clients
V = [i for i in range(n)] # set of clients plus the depot (depot is 0)
A = [(i, j) for i in V for j in V if i != j] # set of arcs connecting different locations
total_vehicles_needed = num_vehicles
c = {(i, j, k): distance_matrix_dict[vehicle_types[k]][i][j] for i, j in A for k in range(total_vehicles_needed)}
Q = {k: capacity_dict[vehicle_types[k]] for k in range(total_vehicles_needed)}
q = {i: demand_list[i] for i in N}
mdl = Model("CVRP")
mdl.Params.Presolve = 2
mdl.Params.NoRelHeurTime = 2.0 # Setting the NoRelHeurTime parameter
x = mdl.addVars(A, range(total_vehicles_needed), vtype=GRB.BINARY)
u = mdl.addVars(N, range(total_vehicles_needed), vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS)
mdl.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
mdl.setObjective(quicksum(x[i, j, k] * c[i, j, k] for (i, j) in A for k in range(total_vehicles_needed)))
for i in N:
mdl.addConstr(quicksum(x[i, j, k] for j in V if j != i for k in range(total_vehicles_needed)) >= 1, name="VisitOnceFrom_{}".format(i))
for j in N:
mdl.addConstr(quicksum(x[i, j, k] for i in V if i != j for k in range(total_vehicles_needed)) >= 1, name="VisitOnceTo_{}".format(j))
for i in N:
for k in range(total_vehicles_needed):
# If customer demand is more than vehicle capacity, disallow that vehicle for the customer
if q[i] > Q[k]:
mdl.addConstr(quicksum(x[i, j, k] for j in V if j != i) == 0, name="VehicleCapacityDemandCheck_{}_{}".format(i, k))
for i, j in A:
if i != 0 and j != 0:
for k in range(total_vehicles_needed):
mdl.addConstr(u[j, k] - u[i, k] + Q[k] * (1 - x[i, j, k]) >= q[j], name="LoadAfterVisit_{}_{}_{}".format(i, j, k))
mdl.addConstr(u[j, k] - u[i, k] <= Q[k] * (1 - x[i, j, k]) + q[j], name="LoadAfterVisitUB_{}_{}_{}".format(i, j, k))
for i in N:
for k in range(total_vehicles_needed):
if q[i] <= Q[k]: # Only create a constraint if the vehicle can potentially serve the client.
mdl.addConstr(u[i, k] >= q[i], name="LoadGEQDemand_{}_{}".format(i, k))
mdl.addConstr(u[i, k] <= Q[k], name="LoadLEQCapacity_{}_{}".format(i, k))
for k in range(total_vehicles_needed):
mdl.addConstr(quicksum(q[i] * x[i, j, k] for i in N for j in V if i != j) <= Q[k], name="Capacity_{}".format(k))
for k in range(total_vehicles_needed):
mdl.addConstr(quicksum(x[0, i, k] for i in V if i != 0) == 1, name="VehicleLeavesDepot_{}".format(k))
for i in N:
for k in range(total_vehicles_needed):
mdl.addConstr(quicksum(x[i, j, k] for j in V if j != i) == quicksum(x[j, i, k] for j in V if j != i), name="SameVehicleInOut_{}_{}".format(i, k))
mdl.Params.MIPGap = 0.1
mdl.Params.TimeLimit = 600 # seconds
if mdl.SolCount > 0:
print("Best Objective Value Found:", mdl.ObjVal)
print("No feasible solution found.")
if mdl.status == GRB.INFEASIBLE:
print('\nThe following constraint(s) cannot be satisfied:')
for c in mdl.getConstrs():
if c.IISConstr:
print('%s' % c.constrName)
total_distance = 0
df_route_order = {}
return total_distance, df_route_order
# You can call the function by passing the required arguments:
# distance_matrix_dict, num_vehicles, capacity_dict, demand_list, vehicle_types
def main(distance_matrix_dict, num_vehicles, capacity_dict, demand_list, vehicle_types):
total_distance, df_route_order = define_variables(distance_matrix_dict, num_vehicles, capacity_dict, demand_list, vehicle_types)
return total_distance, df_route_order
if __name__ == "__main__":
distance_matrix_dict = {'car': [[0, 973, 382, 1342, 914, 1103, 298, 186, 357, 495], [988, 0, 729, 466, 231, 230, 795, 1050, 1061, 745], [382, 723, 0, 1093, 705, 811, 238, 414, 402, 285], [1348, 429, 1120, 0, 573, 464, 1144, 1410, 1071, 846], [924, 250, 668, 576, 0, 278, 749, 986, 972, 656], [1105, 197, 788, 464, 286, 0, 928, 1202, 934, 710], [294, 797, 238, 1158, 738, 933, 0, 419, 512, 452], [191, 1045, 414, 1415, 986, 1176, 420, 0, 337, 475], [364, 1056, 402, 1163, 1007, 1114, 517, 341, 0, 311], [499, 788, 284, 943, 701, 746, 452, 476, 311, 0]]}
num_vehicles = 4
capacity_dict = {'car': 1100}
demand_list = [0, 161, 507, 779, 495, 424, 531, 298, 512, 381]
used_vehicles = ['car', 'car', 'car', 'car']
initial_route = [[0, 2, 23, 15, 20, 0], [0, 7, 8, 9, 0], [0, 12, 14, 6, 19, 16, 11, 17, 1, 0], [0, 10, 0], [0, 21, 18, 4, 5, 24, 3, 22, 0], [0, 13, 0]]
capacity_dict = {'car': 1100, 'tractor': 5000}
used_vehicles = ['tractor','car', 'tractor', 'car', 'tractor', 'tractor']
demand_list = [0, 249, 882, 434, 1271, 245, 786, 480, 272, 127, 862, 2004, 334, 1340, 380, 1440, 245, 143, 199, 758, 2188, 168, 1949, 431, 622]
distance_matrix_dict = {'car': [[0, 973, 382, 1342, 914, 1103, 298, 186, 357, 495, 355, 793, 195, 908, 362, 503, 588, 900, 868, 378, 458, 658, 1380, 360, 1280], [988, 0, 729, 466, 231, 230, 795, 1050, 1061, 745, 1326, 260, 911, 370, 813, 750, 423, 86, 473, 742, 871, 649, 501, 708, 401], [382, 723, 0, 1093, 705, 811, 238, 414, 402, 285, 677, 543, 354, 819, 238, 121, 338, 650, 576, 348, 213, 275, 1130, 49, 1030], [1348, 429, 1120, 0, 573, 464, 1144, 1410, 1071, 846, 1686, 620, 1260, 638, 1173, 1055, 783, 497, 624, 1092, 924, 750, 118, 1067, 116], [924, 250, 668, 576, 0, 278, 749, 986, 972, 656, 1263, 215, 865, 395, 749, 603, 377, 157, 326, 696, 783, 560, 610, 644, 510], [1105, 197, 788, 464, 286, 0, 928, 1202, 934, 710, 1283, 394, 1044, 503, 930, 723, 557, 245, 446, 876, 787, 613, 499, 827, 399], [294, 797, 238, 1158, 738, 933, 0, 419, 512, 452, 633, 633, 223, 728, 183, 359, 420, 724, 708, 228, 380, 514, 1204, 217, 1104], [191, 1045, 414, 1415, 986, 1176, 420, 0, 337, 475, 462, 865, 369, 1030, 485, 542, 660, 972, 940, 530, 437, 690, 1452, 393, 1352], [364, 1056, 402, 1163, 1007, 1114, 517, 341, 0, 311, 361, 902, 542, 1127, 571, 401, 670, 983, 878, 627, 283, 506, 1225, 353, 1125], [499, 788, 284, 943, 701, 746, 452, 476, 311, 0, 660, 784, 568, 1033, 453, 278, 552, 756, 652, 562, 131, 287, 1006, 235, 906], [339, 1313, 677, 1682, 1253, 1443, 637, 464, 367, 672, 0, 1132, 535, 1247, 702, 761, 927, 1240, 1207, 762, 643, 867, 1720, 655, 1620], [808, 258, 549, 628, 199, 394, 632, 870, 904, 680, 1147, 0, 748, 369, 633, 534, 251, 185, 341, 624, 714, 619, 665, 528, 565], [193, 912, 353, 1273, 853, 1048, 222, 370, 540, 567, 532, 748, 0, 843, 298, 474, 535, 839, 823, 288, 495, 629, 1319, 332, 1219], [936, 442, 869, 641, 451, 578, 756, 1061, 1155, 1084, 1275, 437, 872, 0, 825, 875, 567, 383, 717, 669, 1012, 988, 743, 848, 633], [362, 816, 242, 1186, 757, 947, 181, 487, 580, 456, 700, 636, 297, 791, 0, 362, 431, 744, 711, 291, 384, 517, 1224, 220, 1123], [503, 731, 121, 1088, 638, 745, 358, 542, 401, 278, 750, 533, 474, 826, 359, 0, 345, 658, 509, 468, 212, 209, 1123, 137, 1023], [599, 423, 340, 792, 363, 556, 420, 661, 672, 555, 938, 251, 536, 516, 424, 346, 0, 350, 362, 412, 483, 453, 830, 319, 730], [932, 125, 673, 506, 145, 240, 738, 994, 1004, 698, 1270, 204, 854, 313, 756, 678, 367, 0, 426, 686, 815, 601, 540, 651, 440], [901, 522, 557, 789, 339, 446, 725, 972, 862, 632, 1210, 346, 841, 670, 725, 492, 372, 434, 0, 773, 672, 577, 824, 597, 724], [376, 729, 368, 1090, 670, 865, 243, 549, 642, 582, 747, 631, 290, 590, 313, 489, 425, 656, 752, 0, 510, 620, 1136, 347, 1036], [457, 866, 212, 1020, 817, 924, 380, 436, 284, 131, 633, 712, 496, 961, 381, 211, 480, 793, 688, 490, 0, 364, 1083, 163, 983], [657, 691, 274, 846, 604, 649, 512, 688, 505, 281, 854, 618, 628, 933, 513, 209, 452, 659, 555, 607, 358, 0, 909, 313, 809], [1435, 510, 1201, 147, 654, 545, 1242, 1497, 1189, 964, 1774, 708, 1358, 786, 1260, 1136, 871, 578, 860, 1190, 1042, 868, 0, 1155, 173], [361, 702, 49, 1072, 643, 850, 217, 393, 353, 235, 656, 522, 333, 798, 217, 137, 317, 629, 615, 327, 163, 314, 1109, 0, 1009], [1293, 367, 1058, 114, 511, 403, 1099, 1354, 1078, 853, 1631, 565, 1215, 640, 1117, 993, 728, 436, 717, 1047, 931, 757, 136, 1012, 0]], 'tractor': [[0, 1745, 1087, 2289, 1653, 1967, 872, 508, 952, 1480, 724, 1546, 402, 1506, 820, 1287, 1273, 1638, 1709, 703, 1294, 1489, 2425, 1048, 2229], [1888, 0, 1259, 609, 412, 342, 1244, 2269, 1686, 1508, 2196, 595, 1547, 661, 1192, 1143, 728, 262, 701, 1209, 1323, 1242, 745, 1220, 504], [1073, 1118, 0, 1675, 1027, 1269, 595, 1330, 699, 522, 1210, 842, 701, 1243, 647, 329, 575, 1012, 923, 775, 336, 531, 1811, 90, 1612], [2285, 706, 1671, 0, 854, 784, 1641, 2665, 2128, 1950, 2638, 1008, 1944, 1020, 1588, 1585, 1140, 780, 1143, 1606, 1765, 1684, 159, 1632, 151], [1703, 355, 1062, 861, 0, 382, 1059, 2077, 1446, 1269, 1957, 334, 1362, 583, 1007, 903, 531, 217, 461, 1024, 1083, 1003, 996, 999, 756], [2006, 319, 1253, 809, 411, 0, 1348, 2241, 1610, 1433, 2121, 595, 1651, 779, 1295, 1067, 792, 354, 625, 1327, 1247, 1167, 945, 1163, 704], [876, 1113, 588, 1658, 1021, 1318, 0, 1281, 807, 981, 1317, 871, 504, 986, 52, 788, 598, 1007, 1034, 263, 795, 990, 1793, 549, 1597], [499, 2153, 1426, 2697, 2061, 2350, 1302, 0, 739, 1339, 536, 1976, 832, 1914, 1250, 1410, 1703, 2046, 2003, 1111, 1154, 1612, 2833, 1336, 2637], [862, 1680, 699, 2171, 1490, 1623, 814, 655, 0, 613, 535, 1413, 920, 1801, 867, 683, 1147, 1583, 1277, 1078, 427, 885, 2307, 609, 2066], [1453, 1502, 521, 1992, 1311, 1445, 987, 1245, 615, 0, 1125, 1234, 1093, 1636, 1040, 437, 968, 1405, 1098, 1168, 185, 534, 2128, 431, 1887], [738, 2194, 1212, 2684, 2003, 2136, 1327, 534, 526, 1126, 0, 1926, 1025, 2105, 1380, 1196, 1660, 2097, 1790, 1302, 940, 1398, 2820, 1122, 2579], [1494, 369, 793, 926, 277, 591, 818, 1885, 1363, 1186, 1874, 0, 1121, 499, 766, 862, 262, 263, 513, 825, 1000, 962, 1062, 754, 863], [403, 1416, 716, 1961, 1325, 1621, 501, 808, 935, 1109, 1005, 1175, 0, 1289, 449, 916, 902, 1310, 1338, 482, 923, 1118, 2097, 677, 1900], [1652, 615, 1322, 1115, 626, 838, 1065, 2033, 1872, 1715, 2230, 659, 1368, 0, 1012, 1391, 791, 529, 1042, 973, 1529, 1491, 1251, 1283, 1054], [824, 1060, 641, 1605, 969, 1266, 52, 1228, 859, 1033, 1370, 819, 451, 933, 0, 841, 546, 954, 982, 211, 848, 953, 1741, 602, 1544], [1273, 1157, 328, 1647, 966, 1099, 795, 1315, 685, 437, 1195, 944, 901, 1376, 847, 0, 703, 1115, 753, 975, 322, 361, 1783, 238, 1542], [1237, 830, 531, 1387, 739, 1000, 561, 1641, 1100, 923, 1611, 554, 864, 960, 509, 730, 0, 724, 717, 624, 737, 824, 1523, 491, 1324], [1671, 137, 1042, 741, 182, 328, 1027, 2052, 1599, 1422, 2110, 378, 1330, 449, 975, 1056, 511, 0, 614, 992, 1236, 1156, 877, 1002, 636], [1728, 668, 901, 1158, 477, 610, 1053, 1888, 1258, 1080, 1768, 459, 1356, 958, 1000, 715, 497, 626, 0, 1103, 895, 814, 1294, 811, 1053], [706, 1066, 799, 1611, 974, 1288, 289, 1086, 1097, 1192, 1283, 891, 509, 827, 237, 999, 642, 959, 1078, 0, 1006, 1092, 1746, 760, 1550], [1267, 1316, 335, 1807, 1126, 1259, 802, 1060, 429, 185, 940, 1049, 908, 1450, 854, 319, 782, 1219, 912, 982, 0, 521, 1942, 245, 1702], [1474, 1238, 529, 1728, 1047, 1180, 996, 1516, 886, 521, 1396, 1025, 1102, 1457, 965, 343, 784, 1196, 834, 1080, 523, 0, 1864, 439, 1623], [2480, 902, 1867, 195, 1049, 979, 1836, 2861, 2323, 2146, 2834, 1203, 2139, 1215, 1784, 1780, 1336, 976, 1338, 1802, 1960, 1880, 0, 1827, 347], [1035, 1080, 89, 1637, 988, 1179, 556, 1239, 608, 431, 1119, 803, 662, 1205, 609, 238, 537, 974, 832, 737, 246, 440, 1773, 0, 1574], [2230, 607, 1617, 160, 754, 684, 1586, 2611, 2028, 1851, 2539, 939, 1889, 965, 1534, 1485, 1086, 681, 1043, 1551, 1666, 1585, 296, 1577, 0]]}
avg_distance_list = []
num_vehicles = len(used_vehicles)
main(distance_matrix_dict, num_vehicles, capacity_dict, demand_list, used_vehicles)
Hi Jordi.
Regarding your IIS constraints:
LoadAfterVisit_11_22_1: - 1100 C1711 - C3661 + C3727 >= 849
LoadAfterVisit_22_11_1: - 1100 C3235 + C3661 - C3727 >= 904Let's assume C1711 is zero and C3235 is zero, then we get:
- C3661 + C3727 >= 849
C3661 - C3727 >= 904
If we sum both constraints we have:
0 >= 1753, which is infeasible.
Let's assume C1711 is 1 and C3235 is 1, then we get:
-1100 - C3661 + C3727 >= 849
-1100 + C3661 - C3727 >= 904
If we sum both constraints we have:
-2200 >= 1753, which is also infeasible.
If we assume only one of the variables C1711 or C3235 is one and we sum the constraints, we get:
-1100 >= 1753
Therefore, any combination of the values of these binaries produce an infeasible model.0 -
Hi Jordi,
First, I would recommend to assign names to your variables via
x = mdl.addVars( ..., name="x")
u = mdl.addVars( ..., name="u")Usually, this helps a lot for debugging.
Michel already argued correctly from a math perspective why your model is always infeasible.
Applied to your CVRP model, it means that your Big-M constraints (LoadAfterVisit) seem to have an issue.Here are Python notebooks containing a few (homogeneous) CVRP modeling approaches (including the Big-M model), maybe they help to find the issue.
Best regards,
Mario0 -
Hi Jordi,
I could not resist diving deeper into your case (I am VRP-addicted). After relating your IIS with your model formulation, I found no flaw in your code and model.
The only explanation I have that leads to your IIS is that the customer demands at node 11 and node 22 are larger than the capacity of vehicle 1 (Q_1=1100). In a heterogeneous VRP, this might happen, i.e., some vehicles just cannot serve some customers since their capacity is too small. But then, you need to catch that in your code and skip some constraints, e.g., the Big-M ones and maybe even further ones. If you know that some vehicles cannot serve some customers you might be able to fix some variables to 0 or better not even create them.0
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