DeprecationWarning: Deprecated, pass a TempConstr or use Model.addLConstr
AnsweredWhat is this warning about?
Hi Junyang,
It sounds like you are using "old code", i.e. functionality that is not intended to be used with recent versions of our solver.
If you copy and paste the code that is causing the error then we will be able to give you further guidance.
- Riley
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Hi Riley,
Here is the old code:
import numpy as npimport gurobipy as grbimport osimport sysfrom collections import namedtuple
script_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
def generate_uniform(n_instances: int = 500, n_facilities: int = 70, n_customers: int = 70,max_pairwise_cost: float = 10 ** 4, max_startup_cost: float = 3 * 10 ** 3, seed: int = 0):"""Generates a sequence of uniform facility location instanceswith pairwise cost dij in [0, max_pairwise_cost)and startup costs fj in [0, max_startup_cost)The defaults correspond to the generator used in balcan 2018:param n_instances: number of instances to generate:param n_facilities: number of facilities per instance:param n_customers: number of customers per instance:param max_pairwise_cost::param max_startup_cost::param seed: random seed:return: list of instances, where each instance is a tuple of numpy matricesrepresenting d and f the pairwise cost and the startup costdij is the cost of customer i to facility jfj is the startup cost of facility j"""np.random.seed(seed)instances = []for i in range(n_instances):# create pairwise costs dijpairwise_cost_matrix = np.random.uniform(0, max_pairwise_cost, (n_customers, n_facilities))# create startup costs fjstartup_costs = np.random.uniform(0, max_startup_cost, n_facilities)instances.append((pairwise_cost_matrix, startup_costs))return instances
def generate_MIP_instance(pairwise_cost_matrix, startup_costs):"""Generates gurobipy model of facility location problem with pairwise costs and startup coststhis is of the formmin sum_j f_j x_j + sum_j,i d_ij y_ijs.t. sum_j y_ij = 1 \forall i (1)y_ij <= x_j \forall i,j (2)x_j \in {0,1}y_ij \in [0,1]:param pairwise_cost_matrix: unit supply costs dij:param startup_costs: cost fj of creating facility j:return: gurobipy instance of MIP"""# extract number of customers and number of facilities from datan_customers, n_facilities = pairwise_cost_matrix.shapeassert startup_costs.shape == (n_facilities,), \"cost matrices don't have same number of facilities, " \"pairwise cost shape: {}, " \"startup cost shape: {}".format(pairwise_cost_matrix.shape, startup_costs.shape)
# initialize gurobi modelm = grb.Model()# add variables yij \in [0,1] with coefficient dijy = {}for i in range(n_customers):for j in range(n_facilities):y[(i,j)] = m.addVar(0, 1, pairwise_cost_matrix[i,j], grb.GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="y_{%d,%d}"%(i,j))
# add variables xj \in {0,1} with coefficient fjx = {}for j in range(n_facilities):x[j] = m.addVar(0, 1, startup_costs[j], grb.GRB.BINARY, name="x_%d"%(j))
# add constraints (1)for i in range(n_customers):m.addConstr(grb.quicksum(y[(i,j)] for j in range(n_facilities)), grb.GRB.EQUAL, 1, "demand_%d"%(i))
# add constraints (2)for i in range(n_customers):for j in range(n_facilities):m.addConstr(y[(i,j)], grb.GRB.LESS_EQUAL, x[j], "precedence_{%d,%d}"%(i,j))m.update()return m
if __name__ == '__main__':
FacilityLocationDistribution = namedtuple("FacilityLocationDesc", ["distribution_name","num_of_instances","n_facilities","n_customers","max_pairwise_cost","max_startup_cost","seed"])
distributions = [FacilityLocationDistribution(distribution_name="train_easy",num_of_instances=200,n_facilities=100,n_customers=200,max_pairwise_cost=10 ** 4,max_startup_cost=3 * 10 ** 3,seed=564),
FacilityLocationDistribution(distribution_name="train_hard",num_of_instances=200,n_facilities=100,n_customers=400,max_pairwise_cost=10 ** 4,max_startup_cost=3 * 10 ** 3,seed=763),
FacilityLocationDistribution(distribution_name="test_easy",num_of_instances=100,n_facilities=100,n_customers=200,max_pairwise_cost=10 ** 4,max_startup_cost=3 * 10 ** 3,seed=895),
FacilityLocationDistribution(distribution_name="test_hard",num_of_instances=100,n_facilities=100,n_customers=400,max_pairwise_cost=10 ** 4,max_startup_cost=3 * 10 ** 3,seed=459)]
instance_dir = os.path.join(script_path, "instances")if not os.path.exists(instance_dir):os.makedirs(instance_dir)
for inst_desc in distributions:
dist_desc = "facility_location_{}_nf_{}_nc_{}_maxd_{}_maxs_{}_seed_{}".format(inst_desc.distribution_name, inst_desc.n_facilities, inst_desc.n_customers,inst_desc.max_pairwise_cost, inst_desc.max_startup_cost, inst_desc.seed)distribution_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir,dist_desc)# generate random instancesinstances = generate_uniform(n_instances=inst_desc.num_of_instances, n_facilities=inst_desc.n_facilities,n_customers=inst_desc.n_customers, max_pairwise_cost=inst_desc.max_pairwise_cost,max_startup_cost=inst_desc.max_startup_cost, seed=inst_desc.seed)# for each generated instance, create MIP then write to filefor i, (pairwise_cost_matrix, startup_costs) in enumerate(instances):model = generate_MIP_instance(pairwise_cost_matrix, startup_costs)
outfile = os.path.join(distribution_dir, dist_desc+"_{}.mps".format(i))os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfile), exist_ok=True)
model.write(outfile)Here is the DeprecationWarning: Deprecated, pass a TempConstr or use Model.addLConstr
model = generate_MIP_instance(pairwise_cost_matrix, startup_costs)0 -
Thanks Junyang,
The signature for the addConstr method changed in Gurobi 9.1, and this is causing your issue:
addConstr (9.0) addConstr (9.1)
You can resolve your issue by replacing instances of addConstr in your code with addLConstr which uses the old addConstr format.- Riley
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Thank you!
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