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Question about model.AddGenConstrIndicator()




  • Maliheh Aramon
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    What is debated is whether the value will be set based on the linear expression in the function argument.  

    I am not sure what you mean by the function argument.

    If I understand you correctly, your assessment is true. As you mentioned, the values of variables \(b\) enforce restrictions on the values of variables \(\mbox{gap}\). For example, it is still possible for the \(b\) variable  to be 1 and the \(\mbox{gap}\) variable to be 0 where \(\mbox{gap_value}\) equals \(\mbox{target1_value}\).

    Best regards, 


  • Dillon Flannery-Valadez
    First Question
    First Comment

    Hi Maliheh, what I meant by function argument was the linear expression argument in AddGenConstrIndicator, whether the gap is positive or not. The debate was whether gap being positive enforced b == 1. But my view was the other way around, as I believe the documentation supports. b== 1 enforces the linear constraint. This also appears to be what you previous comment says as well. 


    The intended purpose of the constraints was to impose the constraint with a positive gap, and not impose them with a negative or 0 gap. But as  implemented I do not believe they are doing this. 

  • Maliheh Aramon
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    What you have implemented is if \(b = 1\), then \(\mbox{gap} = \mbox{gap_value} - \mbox{target1_value}\).

    Given the lower bound of 0 for the variable \(\mbox{gap_value}\), the variable \(\mbox{gap}\) is enforced to be between \(-\mbox{target1_value}\) and \(\infty\). If the \(\mbox{target1_value}\) is a positive constant, it means that the \(\mbox{gap}\) variable is not forced to be strictly positive. You would need additional constraints to enforce if \(b = 1\), then \(\mbox{gap} \geq \epsilon\) with \(\epsilon\) being the smallest positive meaningful value for the \(\mbox{gap}\) variable.


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