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Configuration for binary LP feasibility check




  • Lennart Lahrs
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Andrew,

    I recommend you experiment with MIPFocus, Heuristics, and NoRelHeurTime. With MIPFocus and Heuristics, you can direct Gurobi to prioritize finding feasible solutions. Although your model does not have an objective function, this can further direct solving behavior in that direction. NoRelHeurTime activates the NoRel heuristic, which searches for feasible solutions before solving the root relaxation. When NoRel finds a solution in your specified time, Gurobi terminates (as you did not specify an objective function); if not, it will start the regular solving procedure after your specified NoRel time has passed. This would require some experimentation to figure out a reasonable time to spend on NoRel.

    If that does not help, you can also consider ZeroObjNodes, MinRelNodes, and PumpPasses; these are quite expensive heuristics that might be worth trying if experiments with the first set of parameters did not help.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any interesting findings.

    Best regards,

  • AndrewB
    First Question
    First Comment

    Hi Lennart,

    Thank you very much for the suggestions. I understand the use of these parameters may help me to find of a feasible solution faster. What if I rather expect infeasibility and like to finish the search with INFEASIBLE status possibly quickly? Should I experiment with the same parameters?

    Best regards,

  • Lennart Lahrs
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    I suggest, yes. You could also try more aggressive Cuts settings, which might help to come to a conclusion more quickly.


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