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how to rislove this, min flow but with linear function in 3 pieces

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  • Robert Fourer

    AMPL accepts this model without any errors. It is OK to write the objective as the sum of three variables, each of which equals a different expression. The expression for f2[i,j] has a product of 3 variables -- pezzo_2[i,j], vbk[i,j,k], and x[i,j] -- but AMPL's interface to Gurobi offers the option of converting that to an equivalent quadratic formulation, which Gurobi can handle if you add nonconvex=2 to your gurobi_options string.

    Do you have any problems when you add some data and attempt to solve the resulting problem? If you need help that might be related to AMPL, you can post a question on the AMPL forum at


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