Max Flow and Min-Cut in GurobiOptimods
AnsweredHey guys,
during the Optimization 201 - Training i got aware of the gurobi-optimods module and saw in the documentation, that there were functions mentioned to determine the maximum flow via the min-cut approach. Upon installation of the package I noticed, that there isn't any function defined in this regard.
Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Kind regards,
Hi Martin,
Currently, these are the available OptiMods: The OptiMods Gallery — Gurobi OptiMods 1.1.1dev0 documentation (
There is a Mod implementing the Minimum-Cost Flow.
I hope this answers your question.
Matthias1 -
Hey Matthias,
thank you very much for your reply. That answers my question.
I just have one further question. In which format the input is requested for the minimum-cost flow. I tried to read a csv in the format of the dataframe in the documentation, but the function reads the information as 10 nodes, while I just have 5 defined. I would have loved to provide a screenshot but the file size is too big.
input_df=pd.read_csv("input_data_8.csv",keep_default_na=False).set_index(['source', 'target'])
Is there any specific requirement how the data has to be defined?
Kind regards
0 -
Hi Martin,
You can check out the input format in three different flavors (scipy, networkx, and pandas). I suggest you inspect the dataframe generated by your CSV data and adapt it according to our pandas example. This is something you would have to do by yourself, I'm afraid.
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