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Small model that takes more time




  • Elisabeth Rodríguez Heck
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Assia,

    As explained in Does using more threads make Gurobi faster? using more threads does not always speed up solve times. In your log we can see that the Gurobi spends all the time in the root node, in this case, adding threads will not help as there is little parallelization possible. Moreover, more threads can actually be bad in this case (as you observed) because they may waste time synchronizing. 

    What kind of solving times are you looking for? I would say ~300 sec is quite quick given that even if your model doesn't have many variables, it does have many constraints and especially many non-zeros, which also account for model size. 

    Given the large number of nonzeros, you may want to try setting the parameter PreSparsify to 1 or 2. Also, since presolve doesn't seem to remove anything from your model with default settings, you may want to try Presolve=2 for more agressive presolve.

    Best regards,


  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question


    I tried this parameters but still got the same issue. I'm working with 1400 GB of memory and I reduce the number of threads with Presolve set to 2. I'm comparing with the paper below where they run the same model with the same dataset in 9,09 seconds. They run it on a PC with Intel Xeon 32 cores, 256 GB RAM, which is less to the size of memory in my case:

    What I can not understand is why the solver takes more time in presolving and then it removes 0 rows and 0 columns.

    Thank you,




  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question


    I tried various parameters including disabling Presolve but the model takes more than 1000 s. What I can not understand in the log is that whay the number of nonzeros increase.


    Thank you for your support.


  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question


    Thank you, it is related to my post. I changed other parameters such as MIPGaP and PreSparsify. Still the presolve spend time without enhancing the solution. The model is small regarding others models and the Presolve phase takes more time. Disabling the Presolve phase does not change anything. Thank you for your help.

    Set parameter Threads to value 12
    Set parameter TimeLimit to value 300
    Set parameter MIPGap to value 0.05
    Set parameter MIPFocus to value 1
    Set parameter Presolve to value 2
    Set parameter PreSparsify to value 2
    Set parameter NoRelHeurTime to value 100
    Set parameter Heuristics to value 0.5
    Set parameter Method to value 0
    Gurobi Optimizer version 10.0.3 build v10.0.3rc0 (linux64)
    CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8276 CPU @ 2.20GHz, instruction set [SSE2|AVX|AVX2|AVX512]
    Thread count: 112 physical cores, 112 logical processors, using up to 12 threads
    Optimize a model with 524310 rows, 684 columns and 40110732 nonzeros
    Model fingerprint: 0xf11e235e
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Coefficient statistics:
      Matrix range     [1e+00, 3e+01]
      Objective range  [3e-01, 5e+00]
      Bounds range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
      RHS range        [1e+00, 2e+02]
    Found heuristic solution: objective 43.3769973
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 6s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 13s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 17s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 20s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 27s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 30s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 35s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 43s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 45s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 51s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 55s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 60s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 65s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 70s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 75s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 80s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 85s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 90s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 95s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 100s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 105s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 110s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 115s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 120s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 125s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 130s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 135s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 140s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 145s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 150s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 155s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 160s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 165s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 170s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 175s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 180s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 185s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 190s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 195s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 200s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 205s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 211s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 216s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 220s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 226s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 230s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 235s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 243s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 245s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 250s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 255s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 260s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 265s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 270s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 275s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 280s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 289s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 290s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 295s) ...
    Presolve added 0 rows and 522620 columns
    Presolve time: 297.21s
    Explored 0 nodes (0 simplex iterations) in 300.47 seconds (168.69 work units)
    Thread count was 1 (of 112 available processors)
    Solution count 1: 43.377 
    Time limit reached
    Best objective 4.337699734045e+01, best bound -, gap -
    No optimal solution found
    Gurobi Optimizer version 10.0.3 build v10.0.3rc0 (linux64)
    CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8276 CPU @ 2.20GHz, instruction set [SSE2|AVX|AVX2|AVX512]
    Thread count: 112 physical cores, 112 logical processors, using up to 12 threads
    Optimize a model with 524310 rows, 684 columns and 40110732 nonzeros
    Model fingerprint: 0xf11e235e
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Coefficient statistics:
      Matrix range     [1e+00, 3e+01]
      Objective range  [3e-01, 5e+00]
      Bounds range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
      RHS range        [1e+00, 2e+02]
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 6s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 13s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 17s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 20s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 27s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 30s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 35s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 43s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 45s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 51s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 55s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 60s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 65s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 70s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 75s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 80s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 85s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 90s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 95s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 100s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 105s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 110s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 115s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 120s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 125s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 130s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 135s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 140s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 145s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 150s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 155s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 160s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 165s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 170s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 175s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 180s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 185s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 190s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 196s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 201s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 206s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 210s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 215s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 220s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 225s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 230s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 235s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 242s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 245s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 250s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 255s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 260s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 265s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 270s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 275s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 289s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 290s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 295s) ...
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 300s) ...
    Presolve added 0 rows and 522620 columns
    Presolve time: 300.22s
    Explored 0 nodes (0 simplex iterations) in 300.68 seconds (168.33 work units)
    Thread count was 1 (of 112 available processors)
    Solution count 1: 43.377 
    Time limit reached
    Best objective 4.337699734045e+01, best bound -, gap -
    No optimal solution found
    run time average CVRP:  300.798810005188
    IIS computation: initial model status unknown, solving to determine model status
    Found heuristic solution: objective 0.0000000
    Explored 0 nodes (0 simplex iterations) in 3.13 seconds (0.78 work units)
    Thread count was 1 (of 112 available processors)
    Solution count 1: 0 
    Optimal solution found (tolerance 5.00e-02)
    Best objective 0.000000000000e+00, best bound 0.000000000000e+00, gap 0.0000%
    IIS runtime: 3.24 seconds (0.78 work units)


  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Assia,

    Elisabeth is on holiday at the moment but I can have a look.  Could you upload a model file somewhere I can access it, such as Google Drive, Dropbox or Github?

    - Riley

  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question

    Hi Riley,

    Thank you. I really appreciated it. Here is the link:

    For data:

    Please let me know if you it is ok for the acces.

    Best regards,


  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Assia,

    It is probably easier if you share a model file, instead of your code.

    • Export your models as MPS. To export the model file, use the write() function of your chosen API.
    • Compress the model file using a compression tool like bzip2, zip, 7zip, or gzip.
    • Upload to Google Drive and set access to "Anyone with the link"

    - Riley

  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question

    Hi Riley,

    Thank you. I've just finished to upload the zip to Google Drive. Here is the link:

    Thank you.


  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Assia,

    Disabling the Presolve phase does not change anything

    I cannot reproduce this observation:

    Set parameter Presolve to value 0
    Using license file /Users/riley.clement/gurobi.lic

    Gurobi Optimizer version 10.0.3 build v10.0.3rc0 (mac64[x86])
    Copyright (c) 2023, Gurobi Optimization, LLC

    Read MPS format model from file modelcvrp.mps
    Reading time = 6.14 seconds
    CVRP3: 524310 rows, 684 columns, 40110732 nonzeros

    CPU model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1038NG7 CPU @ 2.00GHz
    Thread count: 4 physical cores, 8 logical processors, using up to 8 threads

    Optimize a model with 524310 rows, 684 columns and 40110732 nonzeros
    Model fingerprint: 0xf11e235e
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Coefficient statistics:
      Matrix range     [1e+00, 3e+01]
      Objective range  [3e-01, 5e+00]
      Bounds range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
      RHS range        [1e+00, 2e+02]
    Found heuristic solution: objective 43.3769973
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 8s) ...
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)

    Root simplex log...

    Iteration    Objective       Primal Inf.    Dual Inf.      Time
           0    0.0000000e+00   5.100000e+01   0.000000e+00     15s
          65    1.4942544e+01   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00     17s


    What I can not understand in the log is that why the number of nonzeros increase.

    From your own logs we can see this is not true :

    Optimize a model with 524310 rows, 684 columns and 40110732 nonzeros
    Presolved: 524310 rows, 684 columns, 40110694 nonzeros

    The logs then show the following:

    Root relaxation presolved: 684 rows, 524994 columns, 40111378 nonzeros

    so my guess is that this is indicating that the dual LP is created, and slack variables are added.  Note 524310 + 684 = 524994, and 40110694 + 684 = 40111378.

    I'm comparing with the paper below where they run the same model with the same dataset in 9,09 seconds.  They run it on a PC with Intel Xeon 32 cores, 256 GB RAM, which is less to the size of memory in my case

    Also, importantly, they are using Gurobi v6.5, and you are using Gurobi v10.0.3 which is much faster.  I also come nowhere near being able to produce the result of 9.09s on a machine superior to theirs.  By far, the most likely explanation is that the model you are solving is simply not the same - either an incorrect implementation, or different data.  This is further supported by the fact your optimal value is somewhere between 24.68157   16.70180, based off your first log, but they are reporting optimal values of at least 200 in their table.

    - Riley


  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question

    Hi Riley,

    Thank you for these insightful explanations. Now, I understand why the nonzero variables increases. 
    For the paper, I working on minimizing time rather than distance (Time = Distance * Speed). However, I tried to reproduce the same model with distance. For the first instance, it is ok/ I got the same result and even the same runtime (235s). But for the second instance (19 customers with 2 trucks). The same problem, it takes a lot of time to achieve the best solution which is 212. Here is the log, I tried to set some parameters including disabling PreSolve to speed up the model. Any suggestions please that can I help me:

    Set parameter Presolve to value 0
    Set parameter PrePasses to value 5
    Set parameter Heuristics to value 0.005
    Set parameter PreSparsify to value 0
    Set parameter Cuts to value 1
    Set parameter MIPFocus to value 3
    Set parameter Threads to value 1
    Set parameter NodefileStart to value 0.5
    Gurobi Optimizer version 10.0.3 build v10.0.3rc0 (linux64)
    CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8276 CPU @ 2.20GHz, instruction set [SSE2|AVX|AVX2|AVX512]
    Thread count: 112 physical cores, 112 logical processors, using up to 1 threads
    Optimize a model with 524310 rows, 684 columns and 40110732 nonzeros
    Model fingerprint: 0xbf1c0f3c
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Coefficient statistics:
      Matrix range     [1e+00, 3e+01]
      Objective range  [4e+00, 5e+01]
      Bounds range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
      RHS range        [1e+00, 2e+02]
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 7s) ...
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Root simplex log...
    Iteration    Objective       Primal Inf.    Dual Inf.      Time
           0    0.0000000e+00   5.100000e+01   0.000000e+00     16s
          65    1.6699788e+02   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00     17s
    Root relaxation: objective 1.669979e+02, 65 iterations, 7.49 seconds (1.67 work units)
        Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
     Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time
         0     0  166.99788    0   40          -  166.99788      -     -   21s
         0     0  177.87570    0   46          -  177.87570      -     -   50s
         0     0  184.76234    0   32          -  184.76234      -     -   73s
         0     0  184.76234    0   39          -  184.76234      -     -   94s
         0     0  184.76234    0   32          -  184.76234      -     -  123s
         0     0  184.76234    0   32          -  184.76234      -     -  135s
         0     0  184.76234    0   32          -  184.76234      -     -  159s
         0     0  184.76234    0   32          -  184.76234      -     -  171s
         0     0  184.86500    0   54          -  184.86500      -     -  191s
         0     0  185.00278    0   53          -  185.00278      -     -  206s
         0     0  185.00278    0   66          -  185.00278      -     -  230s
         0     0  185.00278    0   59          -  185.00278      -     -  245s
         0     0  185.00916    0   60          -  185.00916      -     -  285s
         0     0  185.02709    0   60          -  185.02709      -     -  302s
         0     0  185.06071    0   63          -  185.06071      -     -  314s
         0     0  185.29184    0   61          -  185.29184      -     -  329s
         0     0  185.29184    0   50          -  185.29184      -     -  358s
         0     2  185.55564    0   50          -  185.55564      -     -  429s
         1     3  187.27480    1   50          -  185.55564      -  61.0  439s
         2     4  185.55564    1   54          -  185.55564      -  31.0  444s
         3     5  185.55564    2   68          -  185.55564      -  26.0  459s
         4     6  185.55564    3   58          -  185.55564      -  19.8  470s
         5     7  185.55564    4   53          -  185.55564      -  16.4  485s
         6     8  185.55564    5   49          -  185.55564      -  13.8  496s
         7     9  187.53938    6   44          -  185.68158      -  15.3  510s
         8    10  185.75938    6   50          -  185.71349      -  14.2  524s
         9    11  191.62076    5   41          -  185.75938      -  16.4  539s
        10    12  187.84746    7   48          -  186.08231      -  16.8  553s
        11    13  186.10956    7   42          -  186.10956      -  15.5  564s
        12    14  186.72450    8   37          -  186.72450      -  14.9  578s
        13    15  190.23611    9   30          -  186.72450      -  15.3  592s
        14    16  187.04729    9   36          -  186.74033      -  14.7  607s
        15    17  190.23611    8   31          -  187.09667      -  15.5  621s
        16    18  187.32133    2   58          -  187.32133      -  16.0  636s
        17    19  188.66090    2   47          -  187.33019      -  16.2  647s
        18    20  188.62600    3   51          -  187.36047      -  16.7  658s
        19    21  189.25729    3   44          -  187.36047      -  17.8  673s
        20    22  189.53183    4   49          -  187.59707      -  19.1  685s
        21    23  188.73765    2   48          -  187.60233      -  19.1  699s
        22    24  187.94971    7   45          -  187.91729      -  18.6  710s
        23    25  188.73765    3   47          -  187.98940      -  18.6  724s
        24    26  187.98940    8   51          -  187.98940      -  17.8  735s
        25    27  187.98940    9   52          -  187.98940      -  17.2  745s
        26    28  188.51257   10   42          -  188.05663      -  16.8  759s
        27    29  189.11880   10   38          -  188.08631      -  17.4  772s
        28    30  188.08631    8   43          -  188.08631      -  16.9  783s
        29    31  188.40504    9   39          -  188.24238      -  16.4  796s
        30    32  193.94666    9   34          -  188.40504      -  17.2  810s
        31    33  192.77457    9   37          -  188.41013      -  17.4  823s
        32    34  188.53254    8   30          -  188.53254      -  17.1  836s
        33    35  192.48031    8   40          -  188.57882      -  17.2  849s
        34    36  188.57882   11   40          -  188.57882      -  16.8  862s
        35    37  188.73338   12   36          -  188.64850      -  16.4  875s
        36    38  190.49009    4   44          -  188.66090      -  16.6  887s
  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Assia,

    My first suggestion would be to run this model several times (perhaps 10?) with different values of Seed to get an understanding of the performance variability.

    Is there any reason you are limiting Threads to 1?  I would let the threads parameter take its default value unless you are encountering memory errors, otherwise you are handcuffing the solver's abilities.

    Also keep in mind that if all that changes between these two models is the objective function then any feasible solution for one, is a feasible solution for the other, and you can use it to warm start by either using MST files, or by simply terminating the first model, changing the objective function, and resuming by calling optimize() again.

    - Riley

  • Xavier Nodet
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    When I start to solve the file from, I get a different model fingerprint: 0xf11e235e vs 0xbf1c0f3c in your log.  This shows that the model is not exactly the same, and it's therefore difficult to draw any conclusion.

    You may want to do your experiments from the generated MPS file, with a command such as this one:

    gurobi_cl presolve=0 prepasses=5 heuristics=0.005 presparsify=0 cuts=1 mipfocus=3 threads=1 nodefilestart=0.5 model.mps
  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question


    Thank you for your reply. The model fingerprint is 0xf11e235e as showed in my first post. While 0xbf1c0f3c is the model with minimizing distance rather than time. Here is the ongoing solving with your suggested paramter:

    Set parameter Presolve to value 0
    Set parameter Threads to value 1
    Set parameter PrePasses to value 5
    Set parameter NodefileStart to value 0.5
    Set parameter MIPFocus to value 3
    Set parameter PreSparsify to value 0
    Set parameter Cuts to value 1
    Set parameter Heuristics to value 0.005
    Gurobi Optimizer version 10.0.3 build v10.0.3rc0 (linux64)
    CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8276 CPU @ 2.20GHz, instruction set [SSE2|AVX|AVX2|AVX512]
    Thread count: 112 physical cores, 112 logical processors, using up to 1 threads
    Optimize a model with 524310 rows, 684 columns and 40110732 nonzeros
    Model fingerprint: 0xf11e235e
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Coefficient statistics:
      Matrix range     [1e+00, 3e+01]
      Objective range  [3e-01, 5e+00]
      Bounds range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
      RHS range        [1e+00, 2e+02]
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 7s) ...
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Root simplex log...
    Iteration    Objective       Primal Inf.    Dual Inf.      Time
           0    0.0000000e+00   5.100000e+01   0.000000e+00     16s
          65    1.4942544e+01   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00     17s
    Root relaxation: objective 1.494254e+01, 65 iterations, 7.41 seconds (1.67 work units)
        Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
     Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time
         0     0   14.94254    0   40          -   14.94254      -     -   21s
         0     0   15.91586    0   48          -   15.91586      -     -   50s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32          -   16.53206      -     -   80s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32          -   16.53206      -     -   94s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32          -   16.53206      -     -  113s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32          -   16.53206      -     -  142s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32          -   16.53206      -     -  153s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32          -   16.53206      -     -  166s
         0     0   16.57062    0   40          -   16.57062      -     -  193s
         0     0   16.57062    0   44          -   16.57062      -     -  207s
         0     0   16.59059    0   51          -   16.59059      -     -  217s
         0     0   16.59059    0   64          -   16.59059      -     -  259s
         0     0   16.59059    0   66          -   16.59059      -     -  270s
         0     0   16.59280    0   55          -   16.59280      -     -  293s
         0     0   16.59280    0   63          -   16.59280      -     -  311s
         0     0   16.59280    0   64          -   16.59280      -     -  328s
  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question

    When I kept default value of the parameters Heuristics, Cuts, PreSparsify and NodefileStart. there is a heuristic solution to start:


    Set parameter Presolve to value 0
    Set parameter Threads to value 1
    Set parameter PrePasses to value 5
    Set parameter MIPGap to value 0.05
    Set parameter MIPFocus to value 3
    Gurobi Optimizer version 10.0.3 build v10.0.3rc0 (linux64)
    CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8276 CPU @ 2.20GHz, instruction set [SSE2|AVX|AVX2|AVX512]
    Thread count: 112 physical cores, 112 logical processors, using up to 1 threads
    Optimize a model with 524310 rows, 684 columns and 40110732 nonzeros
    Model fingerprint: 0xf11e235e
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Coefficient statistics:
      Matrix range     [1e+00, 3e+01]
      Objective range  [3e-01, 5e+00]
      Bounds range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
      RHS range        [1e+00, 2e+02]
    Found heuristic solution: objective 43.3769973
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 7s) ...
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Root simplex log...
    Iteration    Objective       Primal Inf.    Dual Inf.      Time
           0    0.0000000e+00   5.100000e+01   0.000000e+00     18s
          65    1.4942544e+01   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00     19s
    Root relaxation: objective 1.494254e+01, 65 iterations, 7.41 seconds (1.67 work units)
    Total elapsed time = 35.12s
        Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
     Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time
         0     0   14.94254    0   40   43.37700   14.94254  65.6%     -   38s
    H    0     0                      41.7778623   14.94254  64.2%     -   45s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32   41.77786   16.53206  60.4%     -   74s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32   41.77786   16.53206  60.4%     -  122s
    H    0     0                      37.8298677   16.53206  56.3%     -  131s
    H    0     0                      33.9996130   16.53206  51.4%     -  133s
         0     0   16.70560    0   52   33.99961   16.70560  50.9%     -  209s
    H    0     0                      33.4926672   16.70560  50.1%     -  220s
         0     0   16.70560    0   60   33.49267   16.70560  50.1%     -  229s
         0     0   16.76211    0   32   33.49267   16.76211  50.0%     -  303s
  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Assia,

    Just a reminder that there are certain abilities of the solver which are not enabled when you use one thread. I would experiment with letting Threads take its default value.

    - Riley

  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question

    Hi Riley,

    Thank you for your reply. If understand from the response below that more Threads make Gurobi spends more time. The machine has 112 Threads. Would you please tell me how many threads I have to set? 

    As explained in Does using more threads make Gurobi faster? using more threads does not always speed up solve times. In your log we can see that the Gurobi spends all the time in the root node, in this case, adding threads will not help as there is little parallelization possible. Moreover, more threads can actually be bad in this case (as you observed) because they may waste time synchronizing. 

  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    I would try Threads=4, and also simply not setting this parameter and letting it take it's default.

  • Elisabeth Rodríguez Heck
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Assia,

    I agree with Riley, my original comment 

    As explained in Does using more threads make Gurobi faster? using more threads does not always speed up solve times. In your log we can see that the Gurobi spends all the time in the root node, in this case, adding threads will not help as there is little parallelization possible. Moreover, more threads can actually be bad in this case (as you observed) because they may waste time synchronizing. 

    was referring to your initial setting of 56 threads. Increasing the number of threads typically doesn't help beyond a certain point, but Threads=1 can definitely limit the solver's capabilities. I would experiment setting Threads=0 (which is the default) or 4, 8, 16... and make a decision after testing, as it is difficult to know which setting is the best without testing.


  • Assia Kamal-idrissi
    First Question

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Thank you for this explanation. By setting Threads to 0, it takes more than 8812s to get the optimal result. However, the optimal result can be retrieved in the following line with 19.0279979 as a value of the objective function in 692s. I don't understand why it didn't stop. It is a minimizing problem.

    H  124   128                      19.0279979   16.62000  12.7%  17.0  692s
    Set parameter Presolve to value 0
    Set parameter MIPGap to value 0.05
    Gurobi Optimizer version 10.0.3 build v10.0.3rc0 (linux64)
    CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8276 CPU @ 2.20GHz, instruction set [SSE2|AVX|AVX2|AVX512]
    Thread count: 112 physical cores, 112 logical processors, using up to 32 threads
    Optimize a model with 524310 rows, 684 columns and 40110732 nonzeros
    Model fingerprint: 0xf11e235e
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Coefficient statistics:
      Matrix range     [1e+00, 3e+01]
      Objective range  [3e-01, 5e+00]
      Bounds range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
      RHS range        [1e+00, 2e+02]
    Found heuristic solution: objective 43.3769973
    Presolve removed 0 rows and 0 columns (presolve time = 7s) ...
    Variable types: 0 continuous, 684 integer (684 binary)
    Root simplex log...
    Iteration    Objective       Primal Inf.    Dual Inf.      Time
           0    0.0000000e+00   5.100000e+01   0.000000e+00     18s
          65    1.4942544e+01   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00     19s
    Root relaxation: objective 1.494254e+01, 65 iterations, 7.40 seconds (1.67 work units)
    Total elapsed time = 20.90s
        Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
     Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time
         0     0   14.94254    0   40   43.37700   14.94254  65.6%     -   23s
    H    0     0                      41.7778623   14.94254  64.2%     -   26s
         0     0   15.91586    0   47   41.77786   15.91586  61.9%     -   51s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32   41.77786   16.53206  60.4%     -   99s
    H    0     0                      40.8194903   16.53206  59.5%     -  112s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32   40.81949   16.53206  59.5%     -  121s
    H    0     0                      39.8428479   16.53206  58.5%     -  136s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32   39.84285   16.53206  58.5%     -  157s
    H    0     0                      39.7006710   16.53206  58.4%     -  167s
    H    0     0                      38.3516076   16.53206  56.9%     -  169s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32   38.35161   16.53206  56.9%     -  200s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32   38.35161   16.53206  56.9%     -  221s
         0     0   16.53206    0   32   38.35161   16.53206  56.9%     -  241s
    H    0     0                      22.7663062   16.53206  27.4%     -  250s
         0     0   16.57062    0   40   22.76631   16.57062  27.2%     -  272s
         0     0   16.57062    0   40   22.76631   16.57062  27.2%     -  290s
         0     0   16.59059    0   48   22.76631   16.59059  27.1%     -  308s
         0     0   16.59597    0   56   22.76631   16.59597  27.1%     -  337s
         0     0   16.59597    0   57   22.76631   16.59597  27.1%     -  354s
         0     0   16.59597    0   63   22.76631   16.59597  27.1%     -  385s
         0     0   16.59656    0   65   22.76631   16.59656  27.1%     -  399s
         0     0   16.59656    0   71   22.76631   16.59656  27.1%     -  419s
         0     0   16.59656    0   59   22.76631   16.59656  27.1%     -  461s
         0     2   16.59714    0   59   22.76631   16.59714  27.1%     -  519s
         1     4   16.59714    1   63   22.76631   16.59714  27.1%   7.0  535s
         3     8   16.60002    2   68   22.76631   16.60002  27.1%  15.7  553s
         7    16   16.60002    3   70   22.76631   16.60002  27.1%  18.3  572s
        15    32   16.62000    4   67   22.76631   16.62000  27.0%  20.1  592s
    H   31    64                      22.6003461   16.62000  26.5%  20.4  635s
    H   33    64                      21.1157499   16.62000  21.3%  19.4  635s
        63    96   16.62383    6   60   21.11575   16.62000  21.3%  19.5  645s
        95   128   16.67433    7   52   21.11575   16.62000  21.3%  17.1  692s
    H  103   128                      21.1076027   16.62000  21.3%  16.5  692s
    H  108   128                      20.9938606   16.62000  20.8%  17.0  692s
    H  118   128                      20.7987134   16.62000  20.1%  17.0  692s
    H  124   128                      19.0279979   16.62000  12.7%  17.0  692s
       127   151   16.98199    7   36   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  17.0  701s
       159   173   17.59808    8   26   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  15.6  712s
       191   199   16.98199    8   38   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  14.9  736s
       223   235   16.99363    9   36   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  14.3  745s
       272   262   17.00861   11   37   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  13.9  755s
       324   272   17.17889   13   29   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  13.4  769s
       375   281   17.18232   14   35   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  12.9 1182s
       413   305   17.40593   15   23   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  13.0 1199s
       474   327   17.54837   16   25   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  12.6 1216s
       526   350   18.19719   16   20   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  12.5 1234s
       609   362   18.71662   17   22   19.02800   16.62000  12.7%  12.0 1249s
       663   382 infeasible   18        19.02800   16.62128  12.6%  11.9 1283s
       724   404   16.63976    7   49   19.02800   16.63976  12.6%  11.8 1301s
       793   447   16.73732    9   47   19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.6 1319s
       875   486   16.86217   12   28   19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.6 1339s
       969   514   17.11761   16   22   19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.5 1361s
      1038   542   17.13672   18   24   19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.3 1383s
      1120   591   17.31859   20   35   19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.3 1399s
      1227   616   18.11314   24   23   19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.3 1424s
      1293   678   18.16896   25   27   19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.3 1444s
      1398   710   18.33216   27   24   19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.4 1465s
      1521   760 infeasible   31        19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.3 1486s
      1627   815 infeasible   30        19.02800   16.65033  12.5%  11.4 1505s
      1720   849   18.97280   31   18   19.02800   16.69360  12.3%  11.5 1530s
      1860   918   16.98199    8   40   19.02800   16.69360  12.3%  11.4 1548s
      1991   953   17.38269   13   47   19.02800   16.69360  12.3%  11.4 1583s
      2109  1030   17.48618   17   50   19.02800   16.69360  12.3%  11.4 1609s
      2270  1088   17.53908   22   53   19.02800   16.69360  12.3%  11.3 1630s
      2422  1152   18.14700   28   34   19.02800   16.69360  12.3%  11.3 1649s
      2556  1228   18.42768   32   25   19.02800   16.69360  12.3%  11.3 1673s
      2722  1277 infeasible   36        19.02800   16.69360  12.3%  11.3 1700s
      2879  1327 infeasible   35        19.02800   16.82822  11.6%  11.2 1729s
      3011  1383   16.98226   10   32   19.02800   16.82822  11.6%  11.4 1758s
      3165  1466   17.76924   19   33   19.02800   16.82822  11.6%  11.4 1783s
      3341  1517   18.25665   25   35   19.02800   16.82822  11.6%  11.5 1811s
      3529  1595   18.74826   13   43   19.02800   16.88819  11.2%  11.5 1841s
      3741  1637   18.04249   14   36   19.02800   16.88819  11.2%  11.4 1871s
      3947  1714   18.27279   18   42   19.02800   16.88819  11.2%  11.4 1909s
      4142  1796 infeasible   24        19.02800   16.88819  11.2%  11.5 1936s
      4360  1865   18.80571   22   24   19.02800   16.98799  10.7%  11.5 1967s
      4562  1926   18.17777   13   48   19.02800   16.98799  10.7%  11.6 1999s
      4828  2029   18.54028   20   31   19.02800   16.98799  10.7%  11.5 2031s
      5119  2092 infeasible   31        19.02800   17.01022  10.6%  11.5 2070s
      5355  2150   17.59742   20   14   19.02800   17.13322  10.0%  11.6 2107s
      5620  2253   17.83315   24   35   19.02800   17.13322  10.0%  11.6 2145s
      5924  2322     cutoff   29        19.02800   17.28009  9.19%  11.6 2185s
      6222  2419   17.93487   18   22   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.6 2224s
      6519  2518   18.29362   26   34   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.6 2257s
      6825  2519   18.55876   19   59   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2368s
      6827  2520   17.69749    8   40   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2427s
      6828  2521   17.57622   11   32   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2508s
      6829  2522   18.26644   18   32   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2605s
      6830  2522   18.29439   33   61   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2744s
      6831  2523   17.71208   26   51   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2797s
      6832  2524   18.52152   24   62   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2809s
      6833  2524   18.16224   29   65   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2844s
      6834  2525   18.91501   13   64   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2914s
      6835  2526   18.45099   15   56   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2930s
      6836  2526   17.98569   21   66   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 2974s
      6837  2527   18.25769   18   71   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3033s
      6838  2528   17.59078   11   73   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3100s
      6839  2528   18.13961   19   71   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3197s
      6840  2529   17.90095   20   76   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3239s
      6841  2530   18.29030   16   83   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3315s
      6842  2530   17.78707   17   86   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3329s
      6843  2531   18.60921   18   89   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3343s
      6844  2532   18.24148   20   90   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3356s
      6845  2532   18.24703   13   92   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3393s
      6846  2533   17.49491   13   93   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3469s
      6847  2534   18.47385   15   94   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3483s
      6848  2534   18.28502   18   95   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3525s
      6849  2535   17.93162   10   76   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3618s
      6850  2536   18.61296   23   88   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3679s
      6851  2536   17.63279   20   91   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3763s
      6852  2537   18.92914   10   88   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3776s
      6853  2538   17.91369   19  101   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3828s
      6854  2538   17.86761   21   88   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3903s
      6855  2539   18.39016   26   90   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 3958s
      6856  2540   17.97186   22   98   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 4050s
      6857  2540   18.18034   16   94   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 4106s
      6858  2541   18.29257   17   98   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 4195s
      6859  2542   18.91096   14   99   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.7 4217s
      6860  2542   18.57762   33  100   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.6 4267s
      6861  2543   18.52020   19  101   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.6 4361s
      6862  2544   17.93162   14  100   19.02800   17.30747  9.04%  11.6 4416s
      6863  2544   19.00679   18  100   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  11.6 4600s
      6864  2548   17.31057   14   87   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  11.8 4701s
      6866  2551   17.31057   15   89   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  11.8 4765s
      6870  2557   17.31057   16   92   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  11.9 4823s
      6878  2568   17.31057   17   94   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  11.9 4889s
      6893  2580   17.31057   18   83   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.0 4965s
      6922  2583   17.31057   19   86   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.2 5032s
      6954  2589   17.31057   20   88   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.3 6305s
      6986  2590   17.50787   20   51   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.4 6341s
      7018  2592   17.53896   21   54   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.4 6537s
      7050  2611   17.89280   21   59   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.5 6564s
      7112  2613   17.83990   23   49   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.5 6593s
      7172  2618   18.21932   24   47   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.5 6631s
      7232  2633   18.26972   25   54   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.6 6649s
      7314  2626     cutoff   26        19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.6 6692s
      7392  2618   18.32379   28   47   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.6 6720s
      7477  2620   18.39289   29   43   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.7 6758s
      7578  2635 infeasible   31        19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.7 6807s
      7687  2633   18.95446   30   43   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.8 6837s
      7795  2621   18.46969   32   41   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.8 6870s
      7919  2594   18.68957   34   36   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.8 6922s
      8037  2600     cutoff   36        19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.8 6973s
      8152  2597   17.36211   20   51   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.9 7003s
      8262  2605   17.55447   22   53   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.9 7047s
      8393  2613   17.96711   27   48   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  12.9 7074s
      8538  2600   18.30654   32   48   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.0 7125s
      8698  2589   18.48297   34   13   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.0 7167s
      8855  2554     cutoff   40        19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.0 7474s
      8933  2566   17.64436   22   52   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.0 7525s
      9142  2527   17.31057   22   51   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.1 7582s
      9318  2529   17.40023   24   43   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.1 7628s
      9523  2512   17.88729   24   36   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.2 7666s
      9741  2474   17.88729   25   37   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.2 7713s
      9953  2439   17.55819   28   54   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.2 7760s
     10174  2449   18.28484   31   43   19.02800   17.31057  9.03%  13.3 7802s
     10403  2407     cutoff   38        19.02800   17.37807  8.67%  13.4 7849s
     10652  2406   17.65322   23   76   19.02800   17.42002  8.45%  13.4 7892s
     10908  2405   17.88414   30   61   19.02800   17.42002  8.45%  13.4 7933s
     11180  2365     cutoff   40        19.02800   17.42173  8.44%  13.5 7980s
     11461  2257   17.64701   26   48   19.02800   17.42173  8.44%  13.5 8027s
     11561  2309   18.07776   27   50   19.02800   17.42173  8.44%  13.5 8078s
     11837  2316   18.25284   32   27   19.02800   17.42173  8.44%  13.6 8133s
     12137  2273   18.59749   34   27   19.02800   17.48304  8.12%  13.7 8187s
     12485  2285   17.50350   22   54   19.02800   17.49049  8.08%  13.7 8241s
     12895  2176   18.41154   30   42   19.02800   17.49049  8.08%  13.7 8294s
     13067  2146   19.00535   35   26   19.02800   17.53091  7.87%  13.7 8349s
     13503  2048   18.21816   23   33   19.02800   17.87613  6.05%  13.7 8405s
     13912  1945   18.50346   31   35   19.02800   17.87887  6.04%  13.8 8468s
     14369  1881   18.64694   33   39   19.02800   17.90581  5.90%  13.8 8526s
     14828  1925   18.89525   40   15   19.02800   17.94218  5.71%  13.8 8594s
     15376  1974   18.34879   34   52   19.02800   17.97810  5.52%  13.7 8658s
     15939  1999     cutoff   33        19.02800   18.01312  5.33%  13.7 8734s
     16465  2042   18.69770   33   28   19.02800   18.04090  5.19%  13.7 8812s
    Cutting planes:
      Gomory: 21
      Cover: 14
      MIR: 15
      StrongCG: 2
      Flow cover: 28
      Inf proof: 2
      Zero half: 123
      Mod-K: 8
      RLT: 54
    Explored 17061 nodes (234416 simplex iterations) in 8812.81 seconds (8483.03 work units)
    Thread count was 32 (of 112 available processors)
    Solution count 10: 19.028 20.7987 20.9939 ... 39.8428
  • Elisabeth Rodríguez Heck
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Assia,

    Even if the optimal value is 19.0279979 and Gurobi finds it at 692s, it doesn't stop there because it has to prove that this is indeed the optimal value. Quoting What is the MIP Gap?

    Sometimes, Gurobi finds the global optimal solution early on while the current MIP gap is bigger than the allowed tolerance (e.g. current MIP gap of 40% vs an ε of 0.01%), so the rest of the optimization time is spent trying to get the certificate of optimality by pushing the dual bound towards the objective value of the incumbent solution.

    At the point where the optimal value is found, the dual bound is 16.62000 and the MIPGap has a value of 12.7%, which is why Gurobi continues. Afterward, the dual bound takes a long time to reach 19.0279979. 

    Some parameters that might speed up the bound improvement are Cuts=2 or 3, or MIPFocus=3.  

    If this is not sufficient, you might want to consider strengthening the model formulation, for example by using User Cuts. You may also find the article General modeling tips to improve a formulation helpful.

    Can you also share the model corresponding to the instance in the paper Maybe comparing both objective functions can give us some ideas on how to improve the formulation.




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