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How to prove the optimality of gurobi for MIQCP?




  • Michel Soares
    Thought Leader

    MIQCP is a convex optimization problem with integer variables. All convex optimization and integer programming optimization theory still holds and a lot of the technique Gurobi's uses is directly inherited from MIP optimization.

    For a general understanding of convex optimization and the theory behind it, I recommend reading the book Convex Optimization by Vandenberghe and Boyd.

  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    @Xiaojing Just to note, MIQCP is typically interpreted as Mixed-Integer Quadratically Constrained Program, and problems in that class are generally not convex.  I'd avoid using this acronym for "Quadratic Convex Programming".  If the problem has linear constraints and a convex quadratic objective then "convex MIQP" would be the preferred label.

    - Riley

  • Xiaojing Yan
    First Comment
    First Question

    Hi Riley Clement,

    I appreciate your prompt response. I'd like to clarify that my specific interest lies in solving a Mixed-Integer Quadratically Constrained Program (MIQCP), which involves several non-convex quadratic constraints.

    In light of this, I am curious to know if Gurobi can guarantee a global optimal solution for MIQCPs with non-convex quadratic constraints. Are there any theoretical literature or proofs available that provide insights into Gurobi's capability to address this class of problems?

    Thank you for your time and expertise.

  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Gurobi is a global optimizer so in theory given enough time and memory it will find a globally optimal solution, however the time and memory requirements for difficult problems could be impractical.

    We recorded a webinar when we released v9 which introduced the ability to handle non-convex quadratic problems: Non-Convex Quadratic Optimization Webinar

    In more recent times we recorded a "Tech Talk" on this subject: A Practical Tour Through Non-convex Optimization

    - Riley


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