Issue retrieving Unbounded Ray from Unbounded LP
AnsweredHi, I am having trouble retrieving an unbounded ray from an unbounded LP. After optimizing the LP, the model status returned is 5, indicating that the model is unbounded. However, the following error message is returned when I try to access the UnbdRay attribute of one of the variables:
"AttributeError: Unable to retrieve attribute 'UnbdRay'."
The conditional statement below is what I'm trying to run. I have already checked that the model status is indeed 5, as the program reaches the last line in the below code before throwing an error. Any insight would be appreciated. All variables in the model are continuous.
if price.Status == 5:
price.setParam(GRB.Param.InfUnbdInfo, 1)
vars = price.getVars()
for var in vars:
new_point = np.append(new_point, var.UnbdRay)
Yes, I was mistaken and that was the issue. Thanks for your patience and the help.
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Hi Sam,
Please set the parameter InfUnbdInfo to 1 before solving the model. When a Gurobi model is unbounded, you need to ensure that the
parameter is set before the optimization process. This parameter enables the computation of the unbounded ray, which is required to access theUnbdRay
attribute of a variable.price.setParam(GRB.Param.InfUnbdInfo, 1)
if price.Status == 5:
...Best regards,
Simran0 -
Hi Simran,
thanks for the quick reply. I made these changes and I'm still having the same issue. This is the code I'm running now:
price.setParam(GRB.Param.InfUnbdInfo, 1)
vars = price.getVars()
new_point = np.array([])
if price.Status == 5:
for var in vars:
new_point = np.append(new_point, var.UnbdRay)I'm still getting the same error output.
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Hi Sam,
Could you please check that the parameter InfUnbdInfo is set correctly in your code?
The following code works fine on my end.
import gurobipy as gp
import numpy as np
x = m.addVar()
m.addConstr( x >= 10)
m.setObjective(x, sense=gp.GRB.MAXIMIZE)
m.setParam(gp.GRB.Param.InfUnbdInfo, 1)
print("status", m.Status)
new_point = np.array([])
if m.Status == 5:
for var in m.getVars():
new_point = np.append(new_point, var.UnbdRay)
print(new_point)Best regards,
Simran0 -
Hi, calling
('InfUnbdInfo', <class 'int'>, 1, 0, 1, 0), indicating that the parameter is indeed set to 1. When I run the code you replied with in a new project, it also runs with no errors. Still the same issue with the unbounded ray, however.
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Hi Sam,
Could you please solve your model using a simplex algorithm (set the Method parameter 0 or 1)?
If a model is determined to be unbounded when solving with Barrier, prior to crossover, then the UnbdRay information will not be available.
Best regards,
Simran0 -
I still get the same issue running
price.setParam(GRB.Param.Method, 1)
price.setParam(GRB.Param.InfUnbdInfo, 1)
variables = price.getVars()
new_point = np.array([])
if price.Status == 5:
...and the same if the parameter is set to 0. Is there anything else relating to the model or solve process which could cause the attribute to be inaccessible?
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Hi Sam,
Does your model have binary/integer variables or general constraints?
Unbounded rays are only supported for continuous linear models with no integer variables.General constraints are reformulated using auxiliary binary variables and SOS constraints. Adding them to an otherwise continuous model will transform it into a MIP.
For unbounded IP/MIP models, you can still the unbounded ray by first converting the model to an LP using model.relax(), solving this model, and then querying the unbounded ray. You may find this article helpful: How do I relax the integrality conditions in my model?
import gurobipy as gp
import numpy as np
m = gp.Model()
x = m.addVar(vtype=gp.GRB.INTEGER)
m.addConstr( x >= 10)
m.setObjective(x, sense=gp.GRB.MAXIMIZE)
m.params.InfUnbdInfo = 1
if m.Status == 5:
relaxed_model = m.relax()
new_point = np.array([])
for var in relaxed_model.getVars():
new_point = np.append(new_point, var.UnbdRay)
print(new_point)I hope this helps!Best regards,
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