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Does gurobipy work with python 2.7



1 comment

  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Paul,

    When you execute `pip install gurobipy` Python will communicate with PyPI (Python Package Index) server to determine which packages are available.

    If you check the files for gurobipy 9.5.2 on PyPI you will see packages with "cp27" in the name - these are ones that are compatible with Python 2.7.  If you look in the files for gurobipy v10 you won't find such files - this is when support for Python 2 was dropped.

    Note that any gurobipy installation you "pip install" is separate from any Gurobi installation you have downloaded from our website, and they do not communicate.  Python users that do not require Gurobi licensing tools, such as those using WLS licenses, don't even need to download a Gurobi installation from our website.

    - Riley


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