constraints load too long
Answered# 参数
num_experts = 125
num_works = 3000
L = 0
U = 5
# 初始化模型
m = gp.Model("CrossAssignment")
# 定义决策变量
x = m.addVars(num_works, num_experts, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x")
z = m.addVars(num_experts, num_experts, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="z")
# 线性化约束
for i in range(num_experts):
for k in range(num_experts):
if i != k:
m.addConstr(z[i, k] == gp.quicksum(x[j, i] * x[j, k] for j in range(num_works)))
# 范围约束
for i in range(num_experts):
m.addConstr(gp.quicksum(z[i, k] for k in range(num_experts) if k != i) >= L)
m.addConstr(gp.quicksum(z[i, k] for k in range(num_experts) if k != i) <= U)
this constr has run over 5min ,please give some advice to make it more fast
now ,it runs over 10 min
0 -
The problematic part of this model is this:
for i in range(num_experts): for k in range(num_experts): if i != k: m.addConstr(z[i, k] == gp.quicksum(x[j, i] * x[j, k] for j in range(num_works)))
You are constructing 125*124=15 500 constraints, each with 3000 quadratic terms. In total, you are generating 46 500 000 quadratic terms. This is going to take a while and then it will be hopeless to solve such a model.
You need to reformulate your model and come up with a different approach that does not need to explicitly contain all those constraints.
Matthias0 -
My plan is make it to linear constrains.But,it isn't become better,please help me.
# 线性化约束 z[i,k] = sum(x[i,j] * x[k,j] for j in range(num_works))
for i in range(num_experts):
for k in range(num_experts):
if i != k: # 仅在 i != k 的情况下定义约束
for j in range(num_works):
m.addConstr(z[i, k] <= x[i,j] )
m.addConstr(z[i, k] <= x[k,j] )
m.addConstr(z[i, k] >= x[i,j] + x[k,j] - 1 )
# 对每个 i, k 定义 z[i, k] 表示共同评审的作品数量
# 我们可以直接定义 z[i, k] 为 x[i,j] 和 x[k,j] 的乘积的和
# m.addConstr(z[i, k] == gp.quicksum(x[i, j] * x[k, j] for j in range(num_works)))0 -
You can use our matrix-friendly API to get rid of most of the overhead when building these constraints:
x = m.addMVar((num_works, num_experts), vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x")
z = m.addMVar((num_experts, num_experts), vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="z")
for i in range(num_experts):
for k in range(num_experts):
if i != k:
m.addConstr(z[i, k] == x[:, i] @ x[:, k])With this update, the model is built within a few seconds. I should have suggested this method right in the beginning.
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