why don't we have a a good result from this model
Could you clarify what you mean by “good result”? There are several possible candidates: results of variables are not what you want, optimization is slow, etc. Also, can you provide details of the model you are trying to solve, execution logs, etc.? They help us understand the situation.
Ryuta0 -
function obj = build_problem(obj,...lambda_g,lambda_y,lambda_u,lambda_proj)if nargin < 2, lambda_g = 0 ; endif nargin < 3, lambda_y = 0 ; endif nargin < 4, lambda_u = 0 ; endif nargin < 5, lambda_proj = 0 ;end% Assertionsif exist('build_loss', 'file') == 2% nothing to doelsedisp('Loss function callback cannot be none');endassert(lambda_g >= 0 && lambda_y >= 0,'Regularizers must be non-negative');assert(lambda_u >= 0,'Regularizer of u_ini must be non-negative');assert(lambda_proj >= 0,'The projection regularizer must be non-negative');obj.optimization_problem = []; % optimization problem is not build yet%Build variables%'full' indicates that the type of the variable is a full asymmetric matrixu_ini = sdpvar(obj.M*obj.T_ini,1,'full'); % u_ini is the initial inputy_ini = sdpvar(obj.P*obj.T_ini,1,'full'); % y_ini is the initial outputu = sdpvar(obj.M*obj.horizon,1,'full');y = sdpvar(obj.P*obj.horizon,1,'full');g = sdpvar(obj.T-obj.T_ini-obj.horizon+1,1,'full');slack_u = sdpvar(obj.T_ini*obj.P,1,'full');slack_y = sdpvar(obj.T_ini*obj.M,1,'full');U_p = obj.Up;U_f = obj.Uf;Y_p = obj.Yp;Y_f = obj.Yf;if lambda_proj > DeePC.SMALL_NUMBER% Compute projection matrix (for the least square solution)Zp = [U_p;Y_p;U_f];ZpInv = pinv(Zp);I = eye(obj.T-obj.T_ini-obj.horizon+1);I_min_P = I-(ZpInv*Zp);endA = [U_p;Y_p;U_f;Y_f];b = [u_ini+slack_u;y_ini+slack_y;u;y];% Build constraintsconstraints = [];constraints = [constraints,A*g == b];if isclose(lambda_y,0)constraints = [constraints, norm(slack_y,2) <= DeePC.SMALL_NUMBER];endif isclose(lambda_u,0)constraints = [constraints, norm(slack_u,2) <= DeePC.SMALL_NUMBER];end%Reshape u and y%in order to calculate loss in all step k(1 to horizon)u = reshape(u,[obj.horizon, obj.M]);y = reshape(y,[obj.horizon, obj.P]);if exist('build_constraints','file')==2Constraints = build_constraints(u,y);elseConstraints = [];endconstraints = [constraints,Constraints];% Build Lossloss = build_loss(u,y);if lambda_g > DeePC.SMALL_NUMBERregulariers = lambda_g * norm(g,1); % add L1 norm of gelseregulariers = 0;endif lambda_y > DeePC.SMALL_NUMBERregulariers = regulariers + lambda_y*norm(slack_y,1);endif lambda_proj > DeePC.SMALL_NUMBER% Add projection regularizerregulariers = regulariers + lambda_proj*norm(I_min_P*g);endif lambda_u > DeePC.SMALL_NUMBER% Add L1 norm of slack_uregulariers = regulariers + lambda_u*norm(slack_u,1);end% Define the total lossproblem_loss = loss + regulariers;% Define the optimization problemobj.optimization_problem = OptimizationProblem(u_ini,y_ini,u,y,g,...slack_u,slack_y,constraints,problem_loss);endfunction [u_optimal,info] = solve(obj,data_ini,varargin)% Assertionsassert(size(data_ini.u,2)==obj.M,'Incorrect number of features for the Input signal');assert(size(data_ini.y,2)==obj.P,'Incorrect number of features for the Output signal');assert(size(data_ini.u,1)==size(data_ini.y,1),'Input/Output data must have the same length');assert(size(data_ini.y,1)==obj.T_ini,'Invalid size');assert(~isempty(obj.optimization_problem),'Problem was not built');% Need to transpose to make sure that time is over the columns, and features over the rowsu_ini = reshape(data_ini.u(1:obj.T_ini,:)',[],1);% initial Inputy_ini = reshape(data_ini.y(1:obj.T_ini,:)',[],1);% initial Outputassign(obj.optimization_problem.variables.u_ini, u_ini);assign(obj.optimization_problem.variables.y_ini, y_ini);% assign(obj.optimization_problem.variables.slack_u,0);% assign(obj.optimization_problem.variables.slack_y,0);options = sdpsettings('verbose', 1, 'solver', 'gurobi','debug',1,'gurobi.QCPDual', 1 ...,'gurobi.TuneTimeLimit', 0);% options.mosek.MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_REL_GAP = 1e-8;% options.mosek.MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_PFEAS = 1e-8;% options.mosek.MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS = 10000;tryresult = optimize(obj.optimization_problem.constraints, obj.optimization_problem.objective_function,options, varargin{:});catch MEerror('Error while solving the DeePC problem.Details: %s',ME.message);end%If the problem is unboundedif result.problem == 1error('Problem is unbounded');end%value is a function provided by YALMIP%to extract the values of the optimized variables after the solution.g_value = value(obj.optimization_problem.variables.g);%compute the optimal input signal%In calculation:u1..u_horizon in one column, but reshape in%(u1...u_horiozon)^Tu_optimal = reshape(obj.Uf*g_value,[obj.horizon,obj.M]);endendend0
function loss = build_loss(u,y)P = size(y, 2)y_ref = ones(size(y));% Q & R are the weight matrixloss = norm(y-y_ref, 2)^2;endfunction Constraints = build_constraints(u,y)horizon = size(u, 1);M = size(u, 2);P = size(y, 2);Constraints = [];% for i=1 : length(horizon)Constraints = [Constraints,-1<=u<=1];end0
%% intialize the parameters in DeePC% DeePC Paramterss=1; % How many steps before we solve again the DeePC problemT_ini = 2;% Size of initial set of data%number of data points used to estimate the systemT_list = [];T_list = [T_list,100];%Horizon lengthhorizon = 10;LAMBDA_G_REGULARIZER = 0; % g regularizerLAMBDA_Y_REGULARIZER = 0; % y regularizerLAMBDA_U_REGULARIZER = 0; % u regularizerEXPERIMENT_HORIZON = 100; % Total number of stepsA = [0.70469, 0;0.24664, 0.70469];B = [0.75937;0.12515];C = [0, 1];D = zeros(size(C, 1), size(B, 2));% state model aufstellen and sampling time is 1% sys is a class instance of systemssys = systems(ss(A, B, C, D, 1));%% Simulate for different values of T (Data set T times)for i = 1: length(T_list)fprintf('Simulating with %d initial samples...\n', T_list(i));sys=sys.reset();%Generate initial data and initialize DeePC[data,sys] = sys.apply_input(normrnd(0,1,[T_list(i),1]),0);deepc = DeePC(data, T_ini,horizon);%Create initial data (on the right side(constraint euqation))% u_ini & y_inidata_ini = Data(zeros(T_ini,1),zeros(T_ini,1));sys=sys.reset(data_ini);deepc = deepc.build_problem( ...LAMBDA_G_REGULARIZER, LAMBDA_Y_REGULARIZER, LAMBDA_U_REGULARIZER);for j = 1:(EXPERIMENT_HORIZON/s)% solve DeePC[u_optimal, info] = deepc.solve(data_ini);%Apply optimal control input[data,sys] = sys.apply_input(u_optimal(1:s,:),0);% Fetch last T_ini samplesdata_ini = sys.get_last_n_samples(T_ini);enddata_all = sys.get_all_samples();figure;subplot(2,1,1);plot(data_all.y(T_ini:end), 'DisplayName', sprintf('s=%d, T=%d, T_i=%d, N=%d', s, T_list(i), T_ini, horizon));ylim([0, 1.5]);xlabel('t');ylabel('y');grid on;title('Closed loop - output signal y_t');legend('show', 'Location', 'best');subplot(2,1,2);plot(data_all.u(T_ini:end), 'DisplayName', sprintf('s=%d, T=%d, T_i=%d, N=%d', s, T_list(i), T_ini, horizon));ylim([-1.2, 1.2]);xlabel('t');ylabel('u');grid on;title('Closed loop - control signal u_t');legend('show', 'Location', 'best');sgtitle('Closed loop signals');end0
%% Define the new systemclassdef systemspropertiessysx0uyendmethodsfunction obj = systems(sys,x0)if nargin < 2x0 = zeros(1,size(sys.A, 1));endassert(~isempty(x0) && size(sys.A,1)==length(x0),'Invalid initial condition');obj.sys= sys;obj.x0 = x0;obj.u = [];obj.y = [];endfunction [data,obj] = apply_input(obj,u,noise_std)if nargin < 3noise_std = 0.5;endT = size(u,1);%How many times does it run u could be a matrix%The lsim function computes the response of the system given%input u and initial state obj.x0 and returns output y, time vector t, and state vector x0if T > 1[y_t,~,x_0] = lsim(obj.sys,u,(0:T-1)'*obj.sys.Ts,obj.x0);obj.x0 = x_0(end,:);% last column is final state as inital after T_inielsey_t = obj.sys.C*obj.x0';obj.x0 = (obj.sys.A*obj.x0' + obj.sys.B*u)';endy_t = y_t + noise_std*reshape(randn(T, 1), T, 1);if isempty(obj.u)obj.u = u;elseobj.u = [obj.u; u];end% measurement noise on the output% measured value to the outputif isempty(obj.y)obj.y = y_t;elseobj.y = [obj.y; y_t];enddata = Data(u,y_t);endfunction data = get_last_n_samples(obj,n)assert(size(obj.u,1) >= n,'Not enough samples are available');data = Data(obj.u(end-n+1:end,:),obj.y(end-n+1:end,:));endfunction data = get_all_samples(obj)data = Data(obj.u,obj.y);end%If data_ini or x0 are not provided, set them to empty arrays, respectively% here obj is also a paramterfunction obj = reset(obj,data_ini,x0)if nargin < 2data_ini = [];endif nargin < 3x0 = [];endif isempty(data_ini)obj.u = [];obj.y = [];elseobj.u = data_ini.u;obj.y = data_ini.y;endif isempty(x0)obj.x0 = zeros(1,size(obj.sys.A,1));elseobj.x0 = x0;endendendendBecause the best control output u should be 1 at the beginning, but it always gives a result of 0.360
%% intialize the parameters in DeePC% DeePC Paramterss=1; % How many steps before we solve again the DeePC problemT_ini = 2;% Size of initial set of data%number of data points used to estimate the systemT_list = [];T_list = [T_list,100];%Horizon lengthhorizon = 10;LAMBDA_G_REGULARIZER = 0; % g regularizerLAMBDA_Y_REGULARIZER = 0; % y regularizerLAMBDA_U_REGULARIZER = 0; % u regularizerEXPERIMENT_HORIZON = 100; % Total number of stepsA = [0.70469, 0;0.24664, 0.70469];B = [0.75937;0.12515];C = [0, 1];D = zeros(size(C, 1), size(B, 2));% state model aufstellen and sampling time is 1% sys is a class instance of systemssys = systems(ss(A, B, C, D, 1));%% Simulate for different values of T (Data set T times)for i = 1: length(T_list)fprintf('Simulating with %d initial samples...\n', T_list(i));sys=sys.reset();%Generate initial data and initialize DeePC[data,sys] = sys.apply_input(normrnd(0,1,[T_list(i),1]),0);deepc = DeePC(data, T_ini,horizon);%Create initial data (on the right side(constraint euqation))% u_ini & y_inidata_ini = Data(zeros(T_ini,1),zeros(T_ini,1));sys=sys.reset(data_ini);deepc = deepc.build_problem( ...LAMBDA_G_REGULARIZER, LAMBDA_Y_REGULARIZER, LAMBDA_U_REGULARIZER);for j = 1:(EXPERIMENT_HORIZON/s)% solve DeePC[u_optimal, info] = deepc.solve(data_ini);%Apply optimal control input[data,sys] = sys.apply_input(u_optimal(1:s,:),0);% Fetch last T_ini samplesdata_ini = sys.get_last_n_samples(T_ini);enddata_all = sys.get_all_samples();figure;subplot(2,1,1);plot(data_all.y(T_ini:end), 'DisplayName', sprintf('s=%d, T=%d, T_i=%d, N=%d', s, T_list(i), T_ini, horizon));ylim([0, 1.5]);xlabel('t');ylabel('y');grid on;title('Closed loop - output signal y_t');legend('show', 'Location', 'best');subplot(2,1,2);plot(data_all.u(T_ini:end), 'DisplayName', sprintf('s=%d, T=%d, T_i=%d, N=%d', s, T_list(i), T_ini, horizon));ylim([-1.2, 1.2]);xlabel('t');ylabel('u');grid on;title('Closed loop - control signal u_t');legend('show', 'Location', 'best');sgtitle('Closed loop signals');end0
function result = isclose(a, b,rel_tol,abs_tol)if nargin < 3rel_tol = 1e-9;endif nargin < 4abs_tol = 0.0;endresult = abs(a - b) <= max(rel_tol * max(abs(a), abs(b)), abs_tol);endfunction [Up, Uf, Yp, Yf] = split_data(data, T_ini, horizon)% Utility function used to split the data into past data and future data.% Constructs the Hankel matrix for the input/output data, and uses the first% Tini rows to create the past data, and the last 'horizon' rows to create% the future data.%% :param data: A tuple of input/output data. Data should have shape TxM% where T is the batch size and M is the number of features% :param T_ini: number of samples needed to estimate initial conditions% :param horizon: horizon% :return: Returns Up,Uf,Yp,Yfassert(T_ini >= 1, 'Tini cannot be lower than 1');%check Tini whether >= 1assert(horizon >= 1, 'Horizon cannot be lower than 1');% check whether horizon >= 1[~,Mu] = size(data.u); %[u1;u2...] each row u has Mu dimensions% read the row & column numbers from the input u in the data[~,My] = size(data.y);% read .... from the output y%T_ini+horizon = oder data.u = col(u1...uT) data.y = col(y1...yT)Hu = create_Hankel_matrix(data.u,T_ini+horizon);Hy = create_Hankel_matrix(data.y,T_ini+horizon);% Past input daten UpUp = Hu(1:T_ini*Mu,:);% Input data in the future UfUf = Hu(end-horizon*Mu+1:end,:);% Past output data YpYp = Hy(1:T_ini*My,:);% output data in the future YfYf = Hy(end-horizon*My+1:end,:);end0
%% define the classclassdef OptimizationProblemVariablespropertiesu_iniy_iniuygslack_uslack_yendmethodsfunction obj = OptimizationProblemVariables(u_ini,y_ini,u,y,g,slack_u,slack_y)obj.u_ini = u_ini;obj.y_ini = y_ini;obj.u = u;obj.g = g;obj.y = y;obj.slack_u = slack_u;obj.slack_y = slack_y;endendendclassdef OptimizationProblempropertiesvariablesconstraintsobjective_functionendmethodsfunction obj = OptimizationProblem(u_ini,y_ini,u,y,g,slack_u,slack_y,constraints,objective_function)obj.variables = OptimizationProblemVariables(u_ini,y_ini,u,y,g,slack_u,slack_y);% call the constructorobj.constraints = constraints;obj.objective_function = objective_function;endendendclassdef Datapropertiesu;y;endmethodsfunction obj = Data(u,y)obj.u = u;obj.y = y;endendend0
Could you give us the answer to the first question?Could you clarify what you mean by “good result”?
What kind of good results are you looking for and what kind of results are you actually getting?
This article may be helpful: How do I diagnose a wrong result? – Gurobi Help CenterThanks,
Ryuta0 -
My solution is wrong, the correct solution should be u=1
thank you
0 -
I found your another post seems to be related with this. You mentioned about "assign" there. According to the YALMIP reference, it seems to introduce initial values for variables.
Note, assign does not replace or constrain the variable with a particular value. It is only used for initial values in nonlinear solvers.
Therefore, it does not always lead to u=1. Are there any other factors leading to u=1?
Ryuta0 -
So How to change the code
thank you very much this initial value should be fixed until to next iteration
0 -
Does it not work if you write it as a normal constraint?
Ryuta0 -
now it's very useful thank you very much thanks
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