Terminate once barrier solves problem
AnsweredHere is a snapshot of my log:
92 1.01022155e+03 1.01022339e+03 4.33e-08 4.03e-10 1.02e-11 75s
93 1.01022155e+03 1.01022333e+03 3.16e-08 4.05e-10 7.63e-12 75s
Barrier solved model in 93 iterations and 74.96 seconds (60.88 work units)
Optimal objective 1.01022155e+03
Root crossover log...
However I do not want to enter root crossover I just want to have the output of the barrier.
I know that 5 years ago someone asked this and the answer was that it was not possible for a MIP. I was wondering if Gurobi had added that option and if not, why? I am curious of the reason for which it is impossible.
Thanks in advance !
Hi Raphael,
For an LP model, you can simply set the parameter Crossover=0 to disable the crossover phase.
For a MIP model, please set the parameters Method=2, Crossover=0, and NodeMethod=2. With this setting, the solver will use Barrier to solve the root LP relaxation and perform no crossover step. Since without crossover, we don't get a basic solution, we have to set NodeMethod=2 so that the node LPs in the Branch-and-Bound tree search are also solved with Barrier (which does not require a basic solution).
Best regards,
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