My MIP problem cannot reach my Gap after one day!
Awaiting user inputI am working on a MIP problem with only 1000 binary variables. However, I cannot even reach the gap of 10% after one day. I have altered my matrix range and RHS range to a reasonable scale.
What I can do now? I am sure that this model can be solved because if I fix all the binary variables, it could reach the optimal easily.
Please note that even if the models has "only" 228 binaries after presolve, it is still 2^228 > 10^68 possibilities. Thus, the model can still be very hard even if it looks small.
You might want to share the model such that we have a closer look and provide better help. Note that uploading files in the Community Forum is not possible but we discuss an alternative in Posting to the Community Forum.
Best regards,
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