Gruboi license in GAMSpy
How to use gurobi license in GAMSpy wiht google colab?
I used this code:
!pip install gamspy
!pip install gurobipy
!gamspy install license f74a91ff-104f-4e20-b350-d3243242828e
!gamspy install solver gurobi
import gamspy as gpy
from gamspy import Container, Set, Parameter, Variable, Equation, Model, Sum, Sense, Options
!export GRB_LICENSE_FILE='/content/gurobi.lic'
However, I got the error message as:
GamspyException: Solve status: LicenseError. The solver cannot find the appropriate license key needed to use a specific subsolver. ============= Error Summary ============= **** SOLVER STATUS 7 Licensing Problems **** MODEL STATUS 11 Licensing Problem **** OBJECTIVE VALUE NA RESOURCE USAGE, LIMIT NA 10000000000.000 ITERATION COUNT, LIMIT NA 2147483647 Gurobi library version 11.0.2 GRB_LICENSE_FILE = /content/gurobi.lic
Thank you very much.
Hi Rahmat,
Google Colab runs notebooks in containerized environments. To use the full-featured Gurobi Optimizer without restrictions on problem size in the Google Colab, you need a WLS license. For detailed instructions on obtaining and using a WLS license in Google Colab, refer to the article Google Colab: Installation and Licensing, specifically the section titled "Full Gurobi license using WLS."
Best regards,
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