Gurobi and spark together
AnsweredCan I use Gurobi and Spark together to solve multiple problems on different computers at the same time?
I need to solve a large number of different problems in parallel, but I can't use only one computer for the available resources (memory, CPU, etc). If I have a cluster with Spark, Can I combine, Gurobi and Spark for distribution the work?
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Hi Luca,
It is definitely possible to do this, we have other users doing it. We at Gurobi don't have experience with Spark.
However, the setup can be a bit tricky. We had another user reporting this here in our old forum:!searchin/gurobi/spark%7Csort:date/gurobi/_DLOyJURL6c/FIzXy3cTCQAJ
Hope this helps at least a bit.
Best regards,
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