Objective Q not PSD
AnsweredHi Everyone, I was working on this binary non-linear programme and encountered this objective Q not PSD error, i've been looking through the code and couldn't figure out why.
here's my gurobi code
def offline(G, T, Demand, Pos, f, c, lp):
M = [i for i in range(len(list(G.nodes)))]
S = [i for i in range(service_num)]
T = [i+1 for i in range(T)]
print("Demand:", Demand)
print("M, S, T:", M, S, T)
print("location:", Pos)
print("f:", f)
print("c:", c)
print("last placement",lp)
m = Model()
x = m.addVars(M, S, T)
for s in S:
for t in range(len(T)+1):
for n in range(len(G.nodes)):
m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x_%i,%i,%i"%(n, s, t))
for s in S:
for i in M:
if i == lp[s]:
x[i, s, 0] = 1
x[i, s, 0] = 0
for t in T:
for s in S:
m.addConstr(quicksum(x[n,s,t] for n in M) == 1)
for t in T:
for n in M:
m.addConstr(quicksum(x[n,s,t] for s in S) <= 1)
#for t in T:
for i in M:
for j in M:
for i in M:
for i in M:
for s in S:
print(x[i, s, 0])
m.setObjective(quicksum(quicksum((Demand[t][s]*(quicksum(x[i, s, t]* c[i] for i in M))) for s in S)
+ quicksum(quicksum(quicksum(f[i][j]*x[i, s, t]*x[j, s+1, t] for j in M) for i in M) for s in S[:-1])
+ quicksum(x[i, 0, t]*f[Pos[t]][i] for i in M) + quicksum(x[i, S[-1], t]*f[i][Pos[t]] for i in M)
+ quicksum(quicksum(quicksum(f[j][i]*x[j,s,t-1]*x[i,s,t] for i in M) for j in M) for s in S) for t in T),
return m.objVal
This is my lp file:
\ LP format - for model browsing. Use MPS format to capture full model detail.
6.617182815859739 C0 + 7.424312815859739 C1 + 5.358055210573159 C2
+ 7.959418487442079 C3 + 6.30511848744208 C4 + 6.82478565829472 C5
+ 5.752237988597706 C6 + 5.849417988597706 C7 + 3.361525325731804 C8
+ 7.870029561214756 C9 + 5.545819561214756 C10 + 5.311473040809838 C11
+ 0 x_0,0,0 + 0 x_1,0,0 + 0 x_2,0,0 + 0 x_3,0,0 + 0 x_0,0,1 + 0 x_1,0,1
+ 0 x_2,0,1 + 0 x_3,0,1 + 0 x_0,1,0 + 0 x_1,1,0 + 0 x_2,1,0 + 0 x_3,1,0
+ 0 x_0,1,1 + 0 x_1,1,1 + 0 x_2,1,1 + 0 x_3,1,1 + 0 x_0,2,0 + 0 x_1,2,0
+ 0 x_2,2,0 + 0 x_3,2,0 + 0 x_0,2,1 + 0 x_1,2,1 + 0 x_2,2,1 + 0 x_3,2,1
+ [ 1.71572 C0 * C4 + 1.4199 C0 * C7 + 3.03416 C0 * C10
+ 1.71572 C1 * C3 + 1.4199 C1 * C6 + 3.03416 C1 * C9 + 1.71572 C1 * C5
+ 1.4199 C1 * C8 + 3.03416 C1 * C11 + 1.71572 C2 * C4 + 1.4199 C2 * C7
+ 3.03416 C2 * C10 + 3.13562 C3 * C7 + 1.54274 C3 * C10
+ 3.13562 C4 * C6 + 1.54274 C4 * C9 + 3.13562 C4 * C8 + 1.54274 C4 * C11
+ 3.13562 C5 * C7 + 1.54274 C5 * C10 + 1.61426 C6 * C10
+ 1.61426 C7 * C9 + 1.61426 C7 * C11 + 1.61426 C8 * C10 ] / 2
Subject To
R0: C0 + C3 + C6 + C9 = 1
R1: C1 + C4 + C7 + C10 = 1
R2: C2 + C5 + C8 + C11 = 1
R3: C0 + C1 + C2 <= 1
R4: C3 + C4 + C5 <= 1
R5: C6 + C7 + C8 <= 1
R6: C9 + C10 + C11 <= 1
x_0,0,0 x_1,0,0 x_2,0,0 x_3,0,0 x_0,0,1 x_1,0,1 x_2,0,1 x_3,0,1 x_0,1,0
x_1,1,0 x_2,1,0 x_3,1,0 x_0,1,1 x_1,1,1 x_2,1,1 x_3,1,1 x_0,2,0 x_1,2,0
x_2,2,0 x_3,2,0 x_0,2,1 x_1,2,1 x_2,2,1 x_3,2,1
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Hi Lei,
This error means that your quadratic objective function is not convex. In other words, the \( Q \) matrix in your objective function \( x^\top Q x + c^\top x \) is not positive semi-definite (PSD).
Gurobi 9.0 is able to solve problems with non-convex quadratic constraints and objectives. To enable this, set the NonConvex parameter to 2.
Also, note that you can iterate over multiple indices within a single quicksum() function. E.g.:
m = Model()
x = m.addVars(5, 10, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x")
m.addConstr(quicksum(x[i,j] for i in range(5) for j in range(10)) >= 1)I hope this helps. Thanks!
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