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High python CPU usage associated w/ Gurobi Cloud?



  • Official comment
    Simranjit Kaur
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff
    This post is more than three years old. Some information may not be up to date. For current information, please check the Gurobi Documentation or Knowledge Base. If you need more help, please create a new post in the community forum. Or why not try our AI Gurobot?.
  • Greg Glockner
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    2 things to check:

    1. Ensure your local machine configuration was updated correctly so that the computation is running on the cloud. The console and the log should show something like:
      Capacity available on '999999-default' cloud pool - connecting...
      Established HTTPS encrypted connection with Compute Server
    2. Only the solve itself takes place on the cloud; anything else including data processing or model building is still done on your local computer in Python.
  • Margaret McCall

    Thanks, Greg. On point #1, I don't see anything like that, and I'm not quite sure where I would expect to. This may be because my call to gurobi is not directly in the script I'm running (it's called within a module); I don't know if it matters that I'm using a jupyter notebook instead of running a .py file in the terminal... (I guess this is an issue with me understanding which console/log you're talking about).

    However, when I run my script, I see the pool in the cloud manager turn from yellow to green and to #Ready. Is this enough to tell that it's running in the cloud?

  • Eli Towle
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Margaret,

    By default, the messages Greg mentioned would appear in the logfile and output produced by Gurobi when you solve a model. E.g.:

    Gurobi 9.0.2 (mac64, gurobi_cl) logging started Fri Jun 26 12:42:43 2020
    Using license file /Users/towle/gurobi.lic
    Set parameter CloudAccessID
    Set parameter CloudSecretKey
    Set parameter CloudPool to value 999999-default
    Set parameter LogFile to value gurobi.log
    Waiting for cloud server to start (pool 999999-default)...
    Compute Server job ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Capacity available on '999999-default' cloud pool - connecting...
    Established HTTPS encrypted connection

    Gurobi Optimizer version 9.0.2 build v9.0.2rc0 (mac64)
    Copyright (c) 2020, Gurobi Optimization, LLC

    That said, I think you're using Pyomo, so the output is probably disabled by default. You can enable it by setting \( \texttt{tee=True} \) in the \( \texttt{solve()} \) command:

    results = opt.solve(model, tee=True)

    If the pool status icon turns green and is "Ready", then the pool successfully launched and is ready to solve models. After you begin optimizing, a new job should show up in the Jobs view of the Cloud Manager interface. Do you see your jobs there?




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