Warmstart or VarHintVal in QP Python API
I am solving a problem with a linear objective function, quadratic constraints, and some semi-continuous variables. It is a nonconvex problem and takes a long time to be solved. Is it possible to use something like a warm start or VarHintVal (which I found helpful for MIP models) to accelerate the solving process? I am using Python API.
If not, what can be the best practice to tackle the long solving time in QPs with semi-continuous variables?
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Hi Oguz,
You can use the MIP start and/or the VarHintVal for (MI)QPs the same way as you did for MIPs, see also How do I use MIP starts?
Does your problem rather have problems finding a good feasible solution or does the lower bound move slowly? You could try experimenting with the MIPFocus parameter then. Set it to 1 if you need to find feasible solutions and to 2 or 3 if you think that feasible points are not a problem. You could also try the new no relaxation heuristic (NoRelHeurTime), for finding feasible points before the B&B starts.
Other than that, you could try systematically removing parts of your model to detect the source of complexity in your problem. Please also note that finite bounds for all variables are strongly recommended for non-convex problems. Additionally, making sure that the coefficient ranges are not too big, in best case [1e0, 1e4] for quadratic problems, may help immensely.Best regards,
Jaromił0 -
Hi Jaromił,
I tried whatever you suggested. Unfortunately, even after 6 hours, there is no incumbent solution. In Pyomo you can initialize the variable, I modeled my problem in Pyomo and used the initialization which works well (I used warmstart option for gurobi).
In the current model where I want to remove all the integer (binary) variables and instead use the semi-continuous variable together with quadratic constraints, I have the following problem. I am trying to somehow accelerate the solving process but I couldn't find a good way.
Changed value of parameter NonConvex to 2
Changed value of parameter TimeLimit to 18000.0
Changed value of parameter Threads to 8
Changed value of parameter InfUnbdInfo to 1
Changed value of parameter Method to 1
No parameters matching 'Warmstart' found
Gurobi Optimizer version 9.1.0 build v9.1.0rc0 (win64)
Thread count: 4 physical cores, 8 logical processors, using up to 8 threads
Optimize a model with 114 rows, 315 columns and 1314 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x23f04c73
Model has 1100 quadratic constraints
Variable types: 195 continuous, 0 integer (0 binary)
Semi-Variable types: 120 continuous, 0 integer
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [1e+00, 5e+00]
QMatrix range [4e-02, 9e+03]
QLMatrix range [1e+00, 1e+00]
Objective range [1e+01, 5e+01]
Bounds range [1e-01, 8e-01]
RHS range [0e+00, 0e+00]
QRHS range [3e+01, 3e+01]
Presolve removed 0 rows and 23 columns
Presolve time: 0.31s
Presolved: 5158 rows, 1309 columns, 16193 nonzeros
Presolved model has 1417 bilinear constraint(s)
Variable types: 1193 continuous, 116 integer (116 binary)
Root relaxation: objective 2.794187e+00, 4986 iterations, 0.27 seconds
Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work
Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time
0 0 2.79419 0 224 - 2.79419 - - 0s
0 0 2.79454 0 220 - 2.79454 - - 0s
0 0 2.79454 0 220 - 2.79454 - - 0s
0 0 2.79454 0 220 - 2.79454 - - 0s
0 0 2.79454 0 220 - 2.79454 - - 0s
0 2 2.79454 0 220 - 2.79454 - - 1s
7373 5134 30.21362 58 233 - 5.18960 - 504 100s
18291 14258 11.91965 20 164 - 6.03791 - 487 204s
28608 22958 10.42726 30 251 - 6.57196 - 471 303s
40140 32829 10.16517 20 160 - 6.92153 - 457 400s
50557 41658 16.61083 29 227 - 7.12441 - 457 501s
62226 51510 42.64595 71 143 - 7.39217 - 451 602s
73487 60922 109.02659 123 143 - 7.53031 - 446 700s
85578 71336 32.68718 45 122 - 7.69380 - 442 803s
97249 80625 76.69195 105 143 - 7.83195 - 437 902s
107226 89903 47.16659 60 210 - 7.92886 - 441 1007s
118641 98948 35.52609 62 243 - 8.00238 - 436 1106s
129754 108614 60.25825 95 198 - 8.10735 - 432 1200s
142395 119387 63.30992 82 133 - 8.18412 - 428 1300s
153314 127980 20.00406 32 141 - 8.30627 - 427 1402s
165409 138069 14.33308 23 242 - 8.37944 - 426 1507s
175966 147354 49.63338 73 119 - 8.44112 - 424 1601s
187563 156633 13.90212 27 155 - 8.52486 - 423 1704s
198463 166042 26.33586 41 173 - 8.60042 - 424 1804s
209480 175007 35.06838 52 92 - 8.63331 - 422 1902s
222243 185923 25.83243 47 233 - 8.70742 - 420 2002s
233884 195684 30.40672 47 144 - 8.75580 - 420 2102s
247020 205909 12.29822 30 200 - 8.85911 - 418 2205s
257603 214812 44.97391 65 100 - 8.90862 - 418 2303sActually I couldn't find any document or example explaining how to implement MIPstart or VarHintVal in Python API.
I really appreciate your time and any help.
0 -
Hi Oguz,
Here is the documentation of the Start attribute and the documentation of the VarHintVal attribute. The documentation of all attributes lists these under Variable attributes. An example of how to set a MIPstart can be found in the facility.py example at line 103.
You can also write a MST file holding the starting point and provide it to Gurobi via the parameter InputFile. You can also provide a HNT file holding the hint values for all variables and pass it to Gurobi via the InputFile parameter.
In general, you are trying to solve a non-convex problem with semi-continuous variables which represent a complex class on its own. Thus, it is not surprising that the solution time increases compared to your binary formulation. You could try removing the semi-continuous variables first by simply relaxing them to continuous variables to better locate the source of complexity. The guideline on the most important parameters for MIPs may also catch your interest.
Best regards,
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