Ryzen for gurobi
AnsweredHello. I hope how read this massage has a good day. Recently I bought a new laptop. It has a ryzen 4800H and I saw this CPU outperform all i7 with the same specs in a lot of benchmarks. When I tryed to use this new pc with numpy (in anaconda), I was very disappointed. It performs too much slower than my old intel cpu. I read about mkl vs openblast and intel wins with mkl because it is developed by intel. I would like to know how I can use all resources in my pc if I have a ryzen CPU. When I tryed numpy it only used 20% of the cpu with ryzen. When I run the same script on intel it used 100% so now I want to know if happens the same on gurobi and how I can fixe it.
Best regards and thanks as always,
Official comment
This post is more than three years old. Some information may not be up to date. For current information, please check the Gurobi Documentation or Knowledge Base. If you need more help, please create a new post in the community forum. Or why not try our AI Gurobot?. -
Hi Cristian,
This should not happen with Gurobi unless you are using the Barrier algorithm. The Barrier algorithm uses the MKL library which is currently best supported by Intel CPUs. However, in Gurobi, an internal environment variable is set to circumvent this obstacle and activate all features for AMD processors. Still, it might happen that the default environment variable is not set properly blocking some features. For more information, please refer to How to Use MKL with AMD Ryzen and Threadripper CPU's (Effectively) for Python Numpy (And Other Applications).
Best regards,
Jaromił0 -
Thanks for your answer Jaromił. I was reading some post and it looks like the environment variable is not useful with the new version of mkl.
I am not clear with what you tell me about the environment variable for gurobi. It is the same solution as the publish on the post you have left me? Or is an internal option in gurobi settings. (sorry if I am not clear but I am new with this kind of stuf).
Best regards and thanks for your help,
0 -
Hi Cristian,
I am not clear with what you tell me about the environment variable for gurobi. It is the same solution as the publish on the post you have left me?
Yes, Gurobi just defines its own variable, which does the same as in the post. It is not a Gurobi setting.
Best regards,
Jaromił0 -
What version of Intel MKL runs gurobi??
I read 2020.2 version has removed the environment variable solution.
Best regards,
0 -
Hi Cristian,
Gurobi currently uses a previous version of MKL, where the environment variable solution is still feasible.
Best regards,
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