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Some wonders about the GRBModel::addRange()




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    Simranjit Kaur
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff
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  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff


    The addRange function adds the constraints

    \[ \text{lower} \leq \text{expr} \leq \text{upper}\]

    to the model.

    The code

    model.addRange(2*x + y, 1.0, 10.0, "range_constraint");

    constructs the constraints

    \[ 1 \leq x + y \leq 10.\]

    AND another wonders is, could I switch to another constraint API, GRBModel::addConstrs(), this API is more convenient than GRBModel::addRange(), what's the difference between these two APIs?

    If you switch, e.g., to the Python API, you can use the overloaded form

    model.addConstr(2*x + y == [1.0, 10.0], name="range_constraint")

    There is no difference (other than the code itself) in using the overloaded \(\texttt{addConstr}\) form or the addRange function.

    Best regards,

  • dapei jiang
    First Comment
    First Question

    Thank you, Mr. Jaromił, I got it, you reply is very clearly and accurately.


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