Jose Vindel

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Recent activity by Jose Vindel Recent activity Votes
  • Set ObjBound


    Hello,  Just a question, can you update the ObjBound in a MIPSOL? I was reading the documentation and came across  Var.setAttr(GRB.Attr.UB, 0.0) My question is can I do something like this? def laz...

  • Error in computing IIS


    Hello,  I am trying to code a program from the following model: \[\text{max}\, \nu_t\] \[\text{st.}\] \[\sum S_{ij}*v_j = b_j\] \[-\nu_j \leq -LB_j\] \[\nu_j \leq UB_j\] \[-\nu_t \leq \nu_{threshol...

  • Unbound Local Error


    Hello, I am trying to code an algorithm using defined functions in python and then add a lazy constraint, I took the work done in as an example and guide. However, I get the following error:...

  • Does Gurobi favors arrays over lists in python?


    Hello, Just a brief question, does gurobi get some beneficial computing time when the data is an array over a list? let's say I am using python and my input data is a list from a csv file, of cours...

  • Error on my lazy cuts


    Hello,  I am trying to solve a model using lazy cuts, I've given a look on the example, to the best of my knowledge I am using it right, however, I guess not since I get this error   TypeError ...

  • get solution mipsol


    The status of the model I am working on is GRB.INF_OR_UNBD, I am interested in getting the values of my variables so, I tried with callback get solution but I don't seem to get any values for my va...

  • Variable lb and ub active based on a binary variable


    Recently I was building an FBA model as part of my research. The variable is \(v_j\), it has lower and upper bounds, the LB and UB are dictionaries. In the first approach, I set the lb and ub as: m...

  • Adding Constraints


    Hello, I got very confused when trying to add my constraints in the model I am trying to build in python, I am not sure if I have to set one of the terms as a variable or I can just simply call the...



    Hello, I am trying to understand the code on the TSP where cuts are added to eliminate subtours, but I still don't quite get the purpose of sys, I don't get    len(sys.arg) > 2 does sys.arg returns...

  • Creating binary variables


    Hello,  I am quite new to Gurobi and currently I am facing some issues regarding a binary variable, probably the answer to this question might be obvious but I've circled with the idea for a bit no...