John Raphy Karippery

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Latest activity by John Raphy Karippery
  • John Raphy Karippery commented,

    Hello Jaromił,TA[i,h] = arrival time of truck at node i. That is calculate  model.addConstrs(TA[origin[h],h] == 0 for h in truck)model.addConstrs(TD[origin[h],h] == 0 for h in truck) for j in nodel...

  • John Raphy Karippery created a post,

    How to store time value to multidict form a constraint in Gurobi


    Hello I need to create multidict variable that stores the arrival time of the truck in each node. I expect values to store in a variable format something like this. TA = {(node,truck): time} To fin...

  • John Raphy Karippery commented,

    Hello  Mario, sorry for adding many questions. finally, I build a model for a time violation. \(TA_i^h\) = arrival time of truck at node i \(TD_i^h\) = departure time of truck at node i  \( TA_{o^h...

  • John Raphy Karippery commented,

    Hello Mario,Yes upper bound on the size of a platoon <= 5 not all trucks make platoons.  based on this model if trucks have large distance differences in the shortest path and travelling distance (...

  • John Raphy Karippery commented,

    hello mario,thank you for your reply. and I am so happy that you understand my model. I need to extend my model to minimize total time violations. first I need to find platoon edges. ie if any truc...

  • John Raphy Karippery created a post,

    write the optimization code with Gurobi


    Hello I have a mathematical model to minimize time violations. could you help me to Gurobi model. \(P_ij^(k,w)\) = Binary variable=1, if truck k and w drive as a platoon on edge \(e_ij\)\(ST^k\) = ...

  • John Raphy Karippery commented,

    hello Mario,I understand what you mean. currently, I have a mathematical model for a single objective vehicle platooning problem (minimize fuel cost). c(e) = distance  between edges i,jThank youJo...

  • John Raphy Karippery commented,

    Hello Mario, Thank you for your reply. I have already explained my Vehicle platooning problem model in my previous question.  I just want to create a second objective to my model called minimizing ...

  • John Raphy Karippery created a post,

    How to add waiting time to time window violation?


    Hello,this is a continuation of my previous question. I want to create an objective function of time window violation for the vehicle platoon problems.  edges = [(1, 3, {'weight': 1}),(3, 1, {'weig...

  • John Raphy Karippery commented,

    Hello, Thank you so much for your code that so helps full. your code is almost right for my model. 1.  is that possible to a /[ gp.max_() \] in the objective function. on your first answer, you use...