Charitha Heendeniya

  • Total activity 59
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Recent activity by Charitha Heendeniya Recent activity Votes
  • Question about linearization


    Hello, This might be a simple question, but I want to really understand what is going on behind the scene. I'm trying to linearize a product between a binary and a continuous variable. The binary v...

  • ComputeIIS and how to use it to troubleshoot


    Hello, community, Please check the following output from the ComputeIIS. From these results, I see that one of these constraints may be causing infeasibility in my model. But I already know for a f...

  • Question about ConcurrentMIP


    I understand that ConcurrentMIP lets the solver perform parallel searches along the branch and bound tree for a MIP problem. Suppose one such search finds an incumbent solution, meaning any branch ...

  • Modeling problem about using variable value for indexing and conditional summation


    Dear all, Please have a look at the example below. This is not programmatically correct, but I want to show the idea and get your thoughts on implementing it in Gurobi. start_time = {n: t for n, t ...

  • Re-optimization with a partial solution and new constraints


    Hello all, I'm testing a re-optimization method that goes as follows.  Initialize model model.solve() --> solution stored as model.sol Edit model.sol by removing solutions to some variables (incl. ...

  • Multiple callbacks question


    I want to know if I can create a MIPSOL callback routine like the one below. Where MIPSOL: Add a lazy constraint to the model, Check if the incumbent solution is still feasible, If feasible: get t...

  • General tips for using Lazy constraints


    Dear all, I want to start this thread to share tips/ suggestions for using lazy constraints (using the attribute or callback). Below I share some of my experiences on this, and I would like if othe...

  • About MemLimit


    Dear all, I'm trying to use MemLimit parameter  e = Env("gurobi.log", params={'MemLimit': 31, 'PreSparsify': 1, 'MIPFocus': 3, ...

  • Constraint for a max, number of overlapping tasks


    I'm trying to write a constraint (for a task scheduling problem) where I want to say "a maximum of n tasks can overlap". I have the following variables, x(i, j): Task j follows task i (variable) T(...

  • What is phase 1 solution?


    Dear community, Below is a screenshot of a section of the log produced by Gurobi. I want to understand what this means, especially what a phase-1 solution is, and how I can use that information. I ...