How to compare a expression with 0, Invalid data in vars array
回答済みThis is my obj : to minimize $\sum^{-1}_{t=-T_H}(a_t*q_t*p*K + h*y_t+b*z_t)$
A constraint is $y_t = max(0, y_{t-1} + \sum_{i∈{j:j+l_j=t}}q_i * p - d_t)$
And all I want to do is to get max(expression, 0). What should I do?
T_H = [i for i in range(10)]
T = len(T_H)
# transport_cost
K = 50
# holding cost
h = 1
# stock-out cost
b = 100
# The number of boxes contained in a tray
p = 40
l = [2 for i in range(10)]
# demand
d = [np.random.randint(100) for i in range(10)]
# initial inventory level
I = 109
# var
q = model.addVars(10, vtype=gp.GRB.INTEGER, name='q')
y = model.addVars(10, vtype=gp.GRB.INTEGER, name='y')
z = model.addVars(10, vtype=gp.GRB.INTEGER, name='z')
a = model.addVars(10, vtype=gp.GRB.BINARY, name='a')
# obj
obj = gp.quicksum((a[t] * q[t] * p * K + h * y[t] + b * z[t]) for t in range(T))
model.setObjective(obj, gp.GRB.MINIMIZE)
# cons
for t in range(T):
if t == 0:
model.addConstr(y[0] == I)
model.addConstr(z[0] == 0)
# model.addConstr(temp == y[t - 1] - d[t] + gp.quicksum(q[i] * p for i in range(t) if i + l[i] == t))
# model.addConstr(temp1 == 0)
model.addConstr(y[t] == gp.max_(y[t - 1] - d[t] + gp.quicksum(q[i] * p for i in range(t) if i + l[i] == t), 0))
# model.addGenConstrMin(y[t], [temp, temp1])
# model.addConstr(z[t] == (z[t-1] - d[t] + gp.quicksum(q[i] * p for i in range(t) if i + l[i] == t)))
model.addConstr(y[t] >= 0)
model.addConstr(z[t] >= 0)
model.addConstr(q[t] >= 0)
In another word, Max of value and if negative, return 0.
These are my two main constraints, y_t means the inventory level while z_t means the stock-out inventory level in time t.
0 -
Oh,sorry, z_t shoule be like this,
0 -
The issue here is that gp.max_() requires a list of variables (and an optional constant).
You need to introduce additional helper variables that are set equal to the term in your max-function. Then you can use these variables in the max_() function.Alternatively, you do not necessarily need the max_() function here. You could just set a lower bound of 0 for the y- and z-variables, and add
y_t >= y_{t-1} + sum ...
to push y_t up if the right-hand side is positive (similar for z_t).
Due to the minimization objective, the y_t and z_t variables should then always be equal to the max of 0 and the term in an optimal solution.Best regards,