
improve time to build model tupledict.sum()




  • Mario Ruthmair
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Minsu Kim,

    There are a few parts that are not clear to me:

    • in_out is a normal Python dict, not a Gurobi tupledict.
    • Each item in the dict is a linear expression. Should these be variables instead, or are you really referring to expressions including multiple terms?
    • In the addConstr(), do you actually want to sum over all in_out entries for a specific item and time? There is currently no call to the sum() method.

    Best regards,

  • minsu kim
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    Hi Mario,

    Thank you for your response. I created 'in_out' as follows.

    in_out_before = {

    in_out       = model.addVars(in_out_before, name="in_out")   

    The contents of the dictionary are real values obtained from linear planning.

    The part contains a typo. The corrected content is as follows.

    model.addConstr( VALUE > in_out.sum('*',item,time)  )



  • Mario Ruthmair
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff


    You could try to use model.addConstrs() to create all constraints in one step, but this might not be too much different to your loop variant. With respect to term-based modelling, you seem to have already an efficient variant.

    You can only get faster by switching to matrix-based modelling where you essentially define the constraint matrix first, and add all constraints in one step. Here are a few resources in this direction:

  • minsu kim
    First Comment
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    I wrote down the example in a little more detail.

    Is it possible to convert it to a matrix model even if it is a model like this?
    I wrote down the example in a little more detail.

    Is it possible to convert it to a matrix model even if it is a model like this?

    in_out_before = {

    in_out       = model.addVars(in_out_before, name="in_out")                    

    const_value = {

    in_out = {

    target_item = ['item1','item3']
    time_index = [1,2,3]

    for time in time_index:
        for item in target_item:
            model.addConstr( const_value[item,time] > in_out.sum('*',item,time)  )

  • Mario Ruthmair
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Yes, every model can be built in matrix form. You must define the coefficient matrix first and then multiply with matrix variables.

    But the code will probably not be easy to read and debug anymore. So you need to decide if reducing model building time at the cost of readability pays off.

