
User MIP start in Gurobi logs




  • Jaromił Najman
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Case C means that the MIP Start algorithm run into either an internal time limit or it reached the StartNodeLimit value. You could try increasing the StartNodeLimit parameter value to allow more iterations for the MIP Start optimization. Please note that Case A and Case B could run into the same issue. In Case A, when you provide only a partial MIP Start, then Gurobi uses only the provided MIP Start values and leaves all other variables in their given bounds. Then it runs a MIP Start optimization problem which may run into the StartNodeLimit. In Case B, Gurobi will try to relax some MIP Start values to hopefully somehow "repair" the MIP Start solution. If this is successful, then it is still possible for the MIP Start optimization problem to run into the StartNodeLimit.

    Best regards, 

  • Lorenzo Moreschini

    Thank you Jaromił, I still have to try changing the settings you suggested, but there is something not clear to me: suppose that I am setting a MIPStart value for each variable in my the model (I still need to double check, but let assume it), then I should either "immediately" see something as in Case B or it would mean that my solution is feasible (although for some reason Gurobi does not use it and does not print its value on the screen)? Are there other possibilities?

  • Lorenzo Moreschini

    Found the issue: it seems that Gurobi does not always emit a message in Case B, even if the solution I load is not feasible. I found a bug in the heuristic procedure I use and now Gurobi immediatly load my initial solution (with the same objective value I expect).

    Thank you for your help!

