
Question regarding using Gurobi with Python's multiprocessing library




  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Yuning,

    It is a misleading error message but the root cause is that Gurobi is finding the limited license that is bundled with gurobipy - this license has a restriction on the size of the model.  The multiprocessing module is unfortunately hiding this error message but if you try and run the knapsack function with n > 2000 you will see the relevant error message.

    See How do I resolve a "Model too large for size-limited Gurobi license" error? 

    I can see in our backend you have a WLS license with a limit of two sessions.  If running 4 processes violates the session limit then you may want to obtain an Academic Named User license, which does not have this restriction (but is locked to a machine, unlike WLS licenses).

    - Riley


