
Suggestion for Improvement: Default bounds not displayed




  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Philipp,

    We would not consider changing display() because it is an old undocumented method that is not intended to be used.  It will likely be removed in a future release.

    The preferred method to inspect the model like this is to write to a LP file.  It also exhibits the same behavior.  Not printing the lower bound when it is 0 is a common convention among solvers and modelling frameworks.  This is motivated by the fact it is not uncommon for the vast majority of variables in a model to have a lower bound of 0 and this would potentially mean hundreds of thousands of extra lines added to the LP file, so it is unlikely that this would be adopted.

    - Riley

  • Philipp Kern
    First Comment
    First Question

    Of course, you wouldn't want to print an additional `x_i >= 0` line for every variable that uses the default bounds.

    But how about adding just one line, `other_vars >= 0`? This would have been sufficient for me to track down the error I made.

  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Adding `other_vars >= 0` would be problematic, especially for other solvers unaware of this convention, but I'll suggest to the dev team that we could add a comment to the LP file such as:

    " \ Note, lower bound is 0 unless specified otherwise"

