Detailed release notes are included with each of the major, minor, and technical releases. Here is a brief and non-exhaustive summary of a number of key features that were included in each of our minor releases.
Version | Release Date | Key Features |
12.0 | Nov-24 | Global MINLP Optimality, Nonlinear Expressions in gurobipy, Memory Consumption Queries, Thread-Based Load Balancing |
11.0 | Nov-23 | Global Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) Problem functionality. FuncNonLinear parameter to decide if functional constraints are solved with PWL approximations or with outer approximations. Change threads limit before resolve. |
10.0 | Nov-22 | Logistic general constraint, Python API improvements, Web License Server for more flexible licensing option, Network Simplex algorithm, optimization-based bound tightening. Soft memory limits. |
9.5 | Nov-21 | Norm general constraint, NLP heuristic for non-convex quadratics, memory limits, Lift-and-Project cuts, forced constraints in IIS, additional SOS encoding options, callback for NoRel, ability to write dualized models, simplex warm start options. |
9.1 | Oct-20 | No Relaxation Heuristic, Integrality Focus, pip installation, pre-specified user cuts, FingerPrints. |
9.0 | Nov-19 | Bilinear constraint support, Cluster Manager added to Compute Server. Batch Optimization for Compute Server, piecewise-linear constraints, functional constraints with automatic PWL translation, MIP Scenario Analysis, model attribute file format, additional cutting planes. |
8.1 | Oct-18 | Azure added to Instant Cloud, more powerful machines added to Instant Cloud, QMatrix linearization for MIQCP and MIQCP. |
8.0 | Apr-18 | Gurobi Instant Cloud, Enhanced R and MATLAB APIs, major improvements to Compute Server, partition heuristic, multiple MIPStarts, callbacks for multi-objectives. |
7.5 | Jul-17 | Enhanced control over multi-objectives, and improvements to Python API. |
7.0 | Oct-16 | Multi-objectives, general constraints (MIN/MAX, ABS, AND/OR, INDICATOR). |
6.5 | Oct-15 | Replay for debugging performance issues, variable hints. |
6.0 | Nov-14 | Distributed MIP, piecewise-linear objectives, support for models with more than 2 billion non-zeroes. |
5.6 | Sep-13 | Distributed tuning and distributed concurrent to use multiple machines on one process, free size-restricted license. |
5.5 | Mar-13 | Compute Servers for client-server paradigm, Parameter Tuning Tool, Concurrent MIP, Numeric Focus. |
5.1 | Jan-13 | Random seeds and solution improvement strategy. |
5.0 | May-12 | Quadratic constraints, Second-Order Cones, rotated Secord-Order Cones, New barrier SOCP solver, Support for Lazy constraints, FeasRelax, warmstarting from LP solutions, KappaExact for numerics, Homogeneous barrier. |
4.6 | 2011 | Sifting for LPs, Branch Priorities, Zero Objective heuristic, presolve sparsify. |
4.5 | 2011 | Automatic setting for solving continuous models, Minimum Relaxation heuristic, Farkas infeasibility proof and unbounded rays. |
4.0 | 2011 | Quadratic objective functions, Concurrent optimization, delayed MIP strategy change. |
3.0 | 2010 | Parallelized barrier, Solution Pools, symmetry handling, improved and additional cutting planes, additional MIP heuristics. |
2.0 | 2009 | Irreducible Infeasible Subsystems (IIS) for MIP, Callbacks for including solutions and adding user-cuts, Range constraints. |
1.0 | 2009 | Initial release supporting LP and MIP. |
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