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How can I get constraints to find the maximum completion time in each machines?




  • Simranjit Kaur
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff


    To find the maximum completion time for each machine, you can use the following code:

    Max_Completion_Time = m.addVars(Machines, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="Max_Completion_Time")
    completion_time = m.addVars(Jobs, Machines,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0, name="completion_time")

    Max_Completion_Time_constrs = m.addConstrs( (Max_Completion_Time[j] == gp.max_(completion_time[i, j] for i in Jobs) for j in Machines), name= "Max_Completion_Time")
    Also, note that with your following code, all x variables get the same name, "x"
    for i in Jobs:
        for j in Machines:
            for k in Times_buffer:
                x[i,j,k] = m.addVar(vtype = GRB.BINARY,name = "x") 
    You can use the addVars() method to ensure your variables get names based on indices.
    x = m.addVars( Jobs, Machines, Times_buffer, vtype = GRB.BINARY,name = "x")
  • Jirayu Bamroongwongsiri
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    Hello Simran,

    Thank you for the reply, but it still does not work. After I changed some codes to the following codes.

    I got the error "GurobiError: Invalid data in vars array"

    GurobiError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
    ~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_9928\ in <module>
         29 #     max_completion_time[j] = m.addGenConstrMax(Max_Completion_Time[j],completion_time[i, j],name="Max_completion_time")
    ---> 31 Max_Completion_Time = m.addConstrs( (Max_Completion_Time[j] == gp.max_(completion_time[i, j] for i in Jobs) for j in Machines), name= "Max_Completion_Time")
         33 Tardy = m.addConstrs((Starting_job[i] + Processing[i] - 1 - Due_date[i] - aux1[i] == 0 for i in Jobs), name="aux_constr1.1")
    src\gurobipy\model.pxi in gurobipy.Model.addConstrs()
    src\gurobipy\model.pxi in gurobipy.Model.addConstr()
    src\gurobipy\genexpr.pxi in gurobipy.GenExprMax._addAsConstr()
    src\gurobipy\model.pxi in gurobipy.Model.addGenConstrMax()
    GurobiError: Invalid data in vars array

    Best regards


  • Simranjit Kaur
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Jirayu,

    The error you are seeing is coming from another part of your code.

    First, let's note that gp.max_ method takes a variable, a list of variables, or a tupledict of variables as arguments.

    Now, let's look at the following line of your code.

    completion_time[i,j] = Starting_job[i]+Processing[i]

    This makes completion_time[I,j] a LinExpr, which is not supported by the gp.max_method as an argument; hence, you see the error.

    Also, the above line of code will not give the desired completion time of i on a machine j. For example, let's say we have two machines and one job. Suppose the job starts at time 1 on machine 1 and has a processing time of 5. So, as per your code, Starting_job[i] will be 1, and the completion time of the job on both machine 1 and machine 2 is 6, which is incorrect

    One way to fix this will be to define completion_time[i,j] as variables

    completion_time = m.addVars(Jobs, Machines,vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="completion_time")

    and replace

    completion_time[i,j] = Starting_job[i]+Processing[i]

    with the following constraints that calculate the completion time of a job on a machine using your "s" variables that indicate whether a job starts on the machine and at what time.

    completion_time_constr =  m.addConstrs(( completion_time[i,j] == gp.quicksum( (k+Processing[i]) * s[i,j,k]  for k in Times ) for i in Jobs for j in Machines), name="completion_time")



  • Jirayu Bamroongwongsiri
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    Hello Simran,

    Thank you for fixing my wrong code. Your code is perfect, but I got the new problem after I calculate the idle time.

    Total_ET = gp.quicksum(Earliness_i[i] for i in Jobs) + gp.quicksum(Tardiness_i[i] for i in Jobs)
    Total_Idel_Time = gp.quicksum(Max_Completion_Time[j] for j in Machines)+ gp.quicksum(Processing[i] for i in Jobs)

    m.setObjectiveN(Total_Idel_Time, index=1, priority = 1, name = "Total_Idel_Time")
    m.setObjectiveN(Total_ET, index=0, priority = 2, reltol = 0.4 , name = "Total_ET")
    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    ~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_4332\ in <module>
          1 Total_ET = gp.quicksum(Earliness_i[i] for i in Jobs) + gp.quicksum(Tardiness_i[i] for i in Jobs)
    ----> 2 Total_Idel_Time = gp.quicksum(Max_Completion_Time[j] for j in Machines)+ gp.quicksum(Processing[i] for i in Jobs)
          4 m.setObjectiveN(Total_Idel_Time, index=1, priority = 1, name = "Total_Idel_Time")
          5 m.setObjectiveN(Total_ET, index=0, priority = 2, reltol = 0.4 , name = "Total_ET")
    src\gurobipy\gurobi.pxi in gurobipy.quicksum()
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'gurobipy.LinExpr' and 'GenConstr'

    It is about the unsupported code for 'gurobipy.LinExpr' and 'GenConstr'

    Best regards


  • Simranjit Kaur
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Jirayu,

    One can only sum constants, Var objects, LinExpr objects, or QuadExpr objects using the quicksum() method.

    You are getting the error

    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'gurobipy.LinExpr' and 'GenConstr'

    as Max_Completion_Time[j] is a general constraint object in the quicksum below

    gp.quicksum(Max_Completion_Time[j] for j in Machines)

    Please name your constraint differently from the variable names

    Max_Completion_Time_constrs = m.addConstrs( (Max_Completion_Time[j] == gp.max_(completion_time[i, j] for i in Jobs) for j in Machines), name= "Max_Completion_Time")



  • Jirayu Bamroongwongsiri
    First Comment
    First Question

    Thank you Simran I really appreciate your help. It's perfect.

  • Sayem Ahmed
    First Comment

    Hi All,
    I have few more questions in accordance with the discussion -

    1. What if I need to calculate maximum completion time of each job (where each job has different no of operations, i.e., job 1 has 3 operations, job 2 has 2 operations), so that I can calculate tardiness and earliness based on delivery time window, for e.g., [a_i, b_i] = [18, 24].

    2. How to consider setup time of machines, delay time of machines and transportation time between machines while calculating makespan?


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