If-Else condition for GUROBI C++ is not working
I want to apply the If-Else condition to calculate the tardiness of each job and then, calculate the total tardiness for all jobs in a scheduling problem. The expression for calculating tardiness for each job can be represented as follows.
Tardiness of job i = maximum (0, completion time of job i - due date of job i)
From the above expression it is clear that the tardiness value can not be less than zero, i.e., if the completion time of a job is less than its due date then the its tardiness value is zero.
Now, I use the Indicator constraint to express this relationship and used an additional binary variable b and Big M constraint to express this relationship. However, the indicator constraint isn't working as the value of tardiness for a job is 'zero' even though its completing time is greater than its due date. Hence, could you please help me to identify this issue?
Note that, I have followed the similar concept from this post: https://support.gurobi.com/hc/en-us/articles/4414392016529-How-do-I-model-conditional-statements-in-Gurobi-
// Set objective: minimize total tardiness
double bigM = 10000, eps_value = 0.0001;
GRBQuadExpr totalTardiness = 0;
for (int local_i = 0; local_i < job; local_i++)
GRBVar job_tardy = model.addVar(0.0, GRB_INFINITY, 0.0, GRB_INTEGER);
GRBVar b = model.addVar(0, 1, 1, GRB_BINARY);
job_comtime = 0.0;
for (int local_k = 0; local_k < mac; local_k++)
for (int local_l = 0; local_l < sequence; local_l++)
job_comtime += jmalloc[local_i][local_k][local_l] * process_time[local_k][local_i];
model.addConstr (job_comtime >= duedate[local_i]+ eps_value - bigM * (1-b));
model.addConstr(job_comtime <= bigM * (1 - b));
GRBQuadExpr test = model.addVar(0, INFINITY, 0, GRB_INTEGER);
model.addGenConstrIndicator(b, true, (test == job_comtime));
model.addGenConstrIndicator(b, false, (test == 0));
totalTardiness += test ;
model.setObjective(totalTardiness, GRB_MINIMIZE);
Hi Mohammad,
Your code snippet is a bit confusing for me, e.g., variable job_tardy is never used after creating it.
Additionally, you are using GRBQuadExpr, does your model contain quadratic terms?
I guess jmalloc[][][] are variables, right?But I would model it in a different way, without BigM and indicator constraints:
The variable job_tardy has lower bound 0 so it cannot get negative.
Then, you push up job_tardy by the difference of completion time and due date:job_comtime - duedate <= job_tardy
In the minimization objective you sum up all job_tardy variables, so in any optimal solution the job_tardy values will correspond exactly to the tardiness of a job since it does not make sense to set it to a higher value due to minimization.
Best regards,
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