package 'gurobi' is not available for this version of R (4.2.0)
I am using Gurobi on R since last year. I recently had to renew my Academic Licence. Because renewing my licence was not working, I re-installed Gurobi (10.0.02) and I removed my R packages ("gurobi", and 'slam').
Now, my licence is successfully in place with the new Gurobi version. However, when I try to install the "gurobi" package, I get the following: "package 'gurobi' is not available for this version of R".
-> Even switching from 4.2.1 version to the 4.2.0 version I get the same error message. Doesn' not seem to be a problem of version not supported by Gurobi !
Could you help me with this ? Thanks a lot !
Hi Nicolas,
Have you followed the instructions in our article: How do I install Gurobi for R?
Please ensure that the correct path is used to the R package: \(\texttt{<installdir>/R/gurobi_10.0-2_R_4.2.0.tar.gz}\).(I have just checked and R version 4.2.1 is working for me)
David0 -
It is solved thanks !
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