Minimizing Cost Mathematical Linear Program
AnsweredSo I have this problem, and I have made a code in Gurobi and Python:
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
# Define data
I = ['A', 'B', 'C']
M = list(range(1, 13))
S = ['Molding', 'Assembling', 'Finishing', 'Packaging']
# Demand in thousands of products
D = {
('A', 1): 10, ('B', 1): 11, ('C', 1): 10,
('A', 2): 20, ('B', 2): 13, ('C', 2): 20,
('A', 3): 25, ('B', 3): 12, ('C', 3): 50,
('A', 4): 30, ('B', 4): 11, ('C', 4): 10,
('A', 5): 50, ('B', 5): 10, ('C', 5): 20,
('A', 6): 70, ('B', 6): 10, ('C', 6): 50,
('A', 7): 10, ('B', 7): 10, ('C', 7): 10,
('A', 8): 12, ('B', 8): 12, ('C', 8): 20,
('A', 9): 10, ('B', 9): 11, ('C', 9): 50,
('A', 10): 300.2, ('B', 10): 10, ('C', 10): 10,
('A', 11): 20, ('B', 11): 50.4, ('C', 11): 20,
('A', 12): 14.8, ('B', 12): 10.6, ('C', 12): 55.5,
# Maximum production capacity per month for each production step
Cs = {
'Molding': 80, 'Assembling': 100, 'Finishing': 100, 'Packaging': 250,
# Holding costs per 1000 products
H_finished = {'A': 800, 'B': 1500, 'C': 500}
H_packaged = {'A': 1000, 'B': 1000, 'C': 1000}
# Create a Gurobi model
model = gp.Model("Production_Schedule")
# Define decision variables with non-negativity constraints
X = {}
F = {}
R = {}
S_finished = {}
S_packaged = {}
for p in I:
for m in M:
for s in S:
X[p, m, s] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0.0, name=f'X_{p}_{m}_{s}')
F[p, m] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0.0, name=f'F_{p}_{m}')
R[p, m] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0.0, name=f'R_{p}_{m}')
S_finished[p, m] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0.0, name=f'S_{p}_finished_{m}')
S_packaged[p, m] = model.addVar(vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0.0, name=f'S_{p}_packaged_{m}')
# Set objective function (minimize total holding costs)
model.setObjective(gp.quicksum(H_finished[p] * F[p, m] + H_packaged[p] * R[p, m] for p in I for m in M), GRB.MINIMIZE)
# Constraints
# 1. Demand Satisfaction
for p in I:
for m in M:
model.addConstr(gp.quicksum(X[p, m, s] for s in S) + R[p, m] == D[p, m], f'Demand_Satisfaction_{p}_{m}')
# 2. Production Capacity
for s in S:
model.addConstr(gp.quicksum(X[p, m, s] for p in I for m in M) <= Cs[s], f'Production_Capacity_{s}')
# 3. Inventory Balance
# Inventory Balance for m = 1
for p in I:
model.addConstr(F[p, 1] == gp.quicksum(X[p, 1, s] for s in S) - D[p, 1], f'Inventory_Balance_Finished_{p}_1')
model.addConstr(R[p, 1] == 0, f'Inventory_Balance_Packaged_{p}_1') # Assuming no packaged inventory at the start
# Inventory Balance for m > 1
for p in I:
for m in M[2:]:
model.addConstr(F[p, m] == F[p, m - 1] + gp.quicksum(X[p, m - 1, s] for s in S) - D[p, m], f'Inventory_Balance_Finished_{p}_{m}')
model.addConstr(R[p, m] == S_packaged[p, m - 1], f'Inventory_Balance_Packaged_{p}_{m}')
# 4. Production Order
for p in I:
for m in M:
model.addConstr(X[p, m, 'Molding'] <= X[p, m, 'Assembling'], f'Production_Order_Molding_Assembling_{p}_{m}')
model.addConstr(X[p, m, 'Assembling'] <= X[p, m, 'Finishing'], f'Production_Order_Assembling_Finishing_{p}_{m}')
model.addConstr(X[p, m, 'Finishing'] <= X[p, m, 'Packaging'], f'Production_Order_Finishing_Packaging_{p}_{m}')
# 5. First 3 Production Steps
for p in I:
for m in M:
molding_assembling_finishing_sum = gp.quicksum(X[p, m, s] for s in S[:3])
individual_step_sum = X[p, m, 'Molding'] + X[p, m, 'Assembling'] + X[p, m, 'Finishing']
model.addConstr(molding_assembling_finishing_sum == individual_step_sum, f'First_3_Production_Steps_{p}_{m}')
# 6. Storage of Finished Product
for p in I:
for m in M[:-1]:
model.addConstr(S_finished[p, m] == 0, f'Storage_Finished_Product_{p}_{m}')
# 7. Storage for Demand
for p in I:
for m in M:
model.addConstr(S_packaged[p, m] <= D[p, m], f'Storage_For_Demand_{p}_{m}')
# Set MIPGap parameter
model.setParam('MIPGap', 0)
# Solve the model
# Check the status and retrieve the optimal solution if available
if model.status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
# Optimal cost value
optimal_cost = model.objVal
print(f"Optimal Cost: {optimal_cost}")
# Optimal production schedule (values of X)
production_schedule = {(p, m, s): X[p, m, s].x for p in I for m in M for s in S}
print("Optimal Production Schedule (X):")
for (p, m, s), value in production_schedule.items():
if value > 0:
print(f"X_{p}_{m}_{s} = {value}")
# You can similarly retrieve the values of other decision variables like F, R, S_finished, and S_packaged
print("No optimal solution found.")
# Dispose of the model
But the output still says no optimal solution found? Can anyone give me some feedback on this? Thank you. I also would like the output to be in a matrix like month and the steps
Hi Ahmad,
Your model is infeasible. You can see that the Status attribute on the model object returns 3 at the end of the solve, which corresponds to an infeasible model. Your gurobi log should also contain the line "Infeasible model".
Please check the following articles on how to investigate infeasibility in a model:
- How do I determine why my model is infeasible?
- How do I use 'compute IIS' to find a subset of constraints that are causing model infeasibility?
Best regards,
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