Patient Scheduling Problem (Day & Slot Constraint - Infeasible Error)
AnsweredI have a patient scheduling problem. I am getting an infeasible error due to day and slot capacities. There is no problem when the number of days is 1, but it becomes infeasible when I increase it to 2. I'm sharing my parameters and the relevant constraints of the model. Could you help me resolve this error?"
day_capacities = {}
for f in physiotherapists:
if f in ft_AC:
for d in days:
day_capacities[(f, d)] = 24
elif f in ft_B:
for d in days:
day_capacities[(f, d)] = 16
elif f in ft_D:
for d in days:
day_capacities[(f, d)] = 36
elif f in ft_Dummy:
for d in days:
day_capacities[(f, d)] = 1
slot_capacities = {}
for f in physiotherapists:
if f in ft_AC:
for s in slots:
slot_capacities[(f, s)] = 3
elif f in ft_B:
for s in slots:
slot_capacities[(f, s)] = 2
elif f in ft_D:
for s in slots:
slot_capacities[(f, s)] = 4
elif f in ft_Dummy:
for s in slots:
slot_capacities[(f, s)] = 5
demand = {}
sessions_per_day = 15
m.addConstrs((gp.quicksum(x[f, p, s, d] * demand[(p, d)] for p in patients for s in slots) <= day_capacities[f, d] for f in physiotherapists for d in days), name="cons_day_capacities")
# The total number of patients assigned to ft f in the day d of the planning horizon cannot exceed ft capacity in slot s. (slot (hourly) treatment capacity)
m.addConstrs((gp.quicksum(x[f, p, s, d] for p in patients for d in days) <= slot_capacities[(f, s)] for f in physiotherapists for s in slots), name="cons_slot_capacities")
Have you tried to run the Model.ComputeIIS() method on the infeasible model? It will let you know the smallest set of variables and constraints that make your model infeasible. To this end, the following articles will be helpful:
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