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How does Gurobi interact with the user's machine?




  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Domagoj,

    I'm not 100% certain on what you are asking, but I'll try and answer anyway - feel free to clarify if I have it wrong.

    When you "pip install" any package, there are files that are downloaded that are required for the package to run (such as source code) and they are stored in a location that users would generally not need to be aware of.

    You can find where the gurobipy files are though by running the following:

    import gurobipy as gp

    These files will include binaries for the Gurobi solver.  Some users do configure Gurobi to run on a separate machine, or in the cloud, but this requires particular types of licenses, so in your case I expect the solve is running on your machine.

    - Riley

  • Domagoj Vatkovic
    First Comment
    First Question

    Riley, thanks for detailed explanation! There is a point that I don't understand. 

    I've found binaries with .so extension on my linux machine:

    using this commands: 

    import gurobipy as gp

    Are they binaries for the Gurobi solver? If so, is gurobi.lic file an argument for these binaries in order to recognize a type of the license?


    - Domagoj


  • Riley Clement
    Gurobi Staff Gurobi Staff

    Hi Domagoj,

    Yes they would be the binaries - it depends on your OS of course.

    The license file is read by Gurobi when it needs to.  You can open your license file up in a text editor, or use `cat gurobi.lic` if you're interested in inspecting it.  In some cases the license file doubles as a kind of config file, telling the machine where to retrieve a licensing token, or where to submit the optimization job.

    - Riley


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