Gurobi network simplex
I am testing instances of the transportation problem with the Gurobi's network simplex algorithm.
I can write down the corresponding LP models and then set the parameter NetworkAlg to 1. However, I have memory issues in very large instances due to the LP models.
Is there a way to launch the network simplex with Gurobi without specifically building an LP model (using only the input information about transportation costs, supplies and demands)?
Thank you,
Best regards
Hi Rosario,
For the command line we only accept the following Model File Formats.
Alternatively, you can load the instances to another interface (e.g. a graph modelling tool) and use the Gurobi API to formulate the model and solve it (this won't require you to write any new file).
I did recently for the min-cost flow DIMACs instances so I share the code below (no guarantees). Usage \(\texttt{python3 path/to/dimacs.min}\)Cheers,
Davidimport time
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import gurobipy as gp
from networkx import DiGraph
def read_dimacs_flow(fname):
g = DiGraph()
ecount = 0
with open(fname) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for l in lines:
if "c " in l:
if "n " in l:
if "min" in l:
s = l.split(" ")
nid = int(s[1])
nsupply = int(s[2])
g.add_node(nid, demand=nsupply)
if "a " in l:
s = l.split(" ")
source_id = int(s[1])
target_id = int(s[2])
low = int(s[3])
cap = int(s[4])
cost = int(s[5])
g.add_edge(source_id, target_id, capacity=cap, weight=cost)
ecount += 1
print(f"Loaded graph with")
print(f"Num of nodes: {g.number_of_nodes()}")
print(f"Num of arcs: {g.number_of_edges()} {ecount=}")
return g
def solve(g, name):
with gp.Env(params={"NetworkAlg": 1}) as env, gp.Model(name, env=env) as model:
edges, capacities, costs = gp.multidict(
{(i, j): [d["capacity"], d["weight"]] for i, j, d in g.edges(data=True)}
nodes = list(g.nodes(data=True))
x = {
(i, j): model.addVar(
ub=capacities[i, j],
obj=costs[i, j],
for i, j in edges
flow_constrs = {}
for n, data in nodes:
dmd = 0
if "demand" in data:
dmd = data["demand"]
flow_constrs[n] = model.addConstr(
gp.quicksum(x[n, j] for j in g.successors(n))
- gp.quicksum(x[j, n] for j in g.predecessors(n))
== dmd
t = time.time()
print(f"Using Gurobi\t{model.objval}\ttaken {time.time() - t}")
def get_name(s):
return str(Path(s).stem)
g = read_dimacs_flow(sys.argv[1])
solve(g, get_name(sys.argv[1]))0 -
Hi David,
thank you for your fast reply and your advice!
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