How to maximize a quadratic Objective Function?
I'm trying to solve the example quadratic problem in MATLAB (qp.m), but maximizing instead of minimizing. For this, one obviously must set the upper boundaries of the problem ( = [100 100 100], for instace). Nevertheless, gurobi is not capable of doing this becauseof the 10020 error: Objective Q not PSD (negative diagonal entry). Set NonConvex parameter to 2 to solve model.
Is there a way to solve maximization
This error means that your quadratic objective function is not convex. To solve a model with a non-convex quadratic objective or constraints, please set the
parameter to 2. For more details, please refer to the article: ERROR 10020: Objective Q not PSD0 -
This actually solves my question. And, indeed, I tried to solve the problem with the specified parameter set to 2, and it worked. I'll work on my objective function being non convex.
Thank you very much!
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